
Our team is looking at replacing Redis with Flink's own queryable state
mechanism. However our clients are using python.

1. Is there a python integration with the Flink queryable state mechanism?
Cannot seem to be able to find one.

2. If not, is it on the roadmap?

3. Our current solution is to write a Java RPC proxy and query that from
python. The whole point of using queryable state was to get rid of an extra
service (Redis) but now it seems we need to add another one. Is there an
easier way to call queryable state from Python without requiring an extra

4. Is queryable state used in production by anyone? Can anyone share
numbers, experiences, case studies?

5. What is the direction that queryable state is going in for the next
Flink release? Features, api?

6. Is the Flink queryable state going to be supported/developed going
forward with the advent of Pravega which has caching like capabilities as


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