
(Flink 1.2.1)

For performances reasons I'm trying to reduce the volume of data of my stream 
as soon as possible by windowing/folding it for 15 minutes before continuing to 
the rest of the chain that contains keyBys and windows that will transfer data 

Because of the huge volume of data, I want to avoid "moving" the data between 
partitions as much as possible (not like a naïve KeyBy does). I wanted to 
create a custom ProcessFunction (using timer and state to fold data for X 
minutes) in order to fold my data over itself before keying the stream but even 
ProcessFunction needs a keyed stream...

Is there a specific "key" value that would ensure me that my data won't be 
moved to another taskmanager (that it's hashcode will match the partition it is 
already in) ? I thought about the subtask id but I doubt I'd be that lucky :-)


·         Wouldn't it be useful to be able to do a "partitionnedKeyBy" that 
would not move data between nodes, for windowing operations that can be 

o   Something like kafka => partitionnedKeyBy(0) => first folding => keyBy(0) 
=> second folding => ....

·         Finally, aren't all streams keyed ? Even if they're keyed by a 
totally arbitrary partition id until the user chooses its own key, shouldn't we 
be able to do a window (not windowAll) or process over any normal Stream's 
partition ?



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