Hi everyone, data Artisans is running a second annual Apache Flink user survey [1] in order to understand Flink usage and the needs of the community. This survey will help to shape the Flink roadmap and make Flink the best that it can be for users.
We'll publish a report with a summary of findings at the conclusion of the survey. All of your responses will remain confidential, and only aggregate statistics will be shared. We expect the survey to take 5-10 minutes, and all questions are optional--we appreciate any feedback that you're willing to provide. The survey will be open for responses until Monday, November 27. As a thank you, respondents will be entered in a drawing to win one of 10 tickets to Flink Forward 2018 (your choice of the second-annual San Francisco event on April 9-10 or the Berlin event on September 3-5). We look forward to hearing from you. Cheers, Till [1] http://www.surveygizmo.com/s3/3166399/Apache-Flink-User-Survey-2ecff2d56551