Chesnay, your solution is definitely the best approach. I was already
wondering why the decision was made to only support the UI through the
leading job manager only.

Jürgen, I don't think that your solution will work in our setup. We're
currently running 3 services, one for each job manager. We need a service
per job manager because they obviously need to be able to talk to each
other. In the latest version of OpenShift you can use a StatefulSet to
handle these situations but unfortunately, StatefulSets seem to rely on each
node receiving its own persistent volume claim whereas Flink seems to share
1 persistent volume claim for all nodes.

I've been going through the Kubernetes documentation about Load Balancers
but I'm unable to find a solution which handles both cases:
- each node being available through a cluster name (e.g.
- exposing 1 URL which uses the load balancing solution proposed by you

Worst case is that we would have to wait for Flink 1.5 and keep using 3
distinct URLs. It's not ideal but there are also bigger fish to tackle.


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