I have a single node Flink instance which has the required jars for logback
in the lib folder (logback-classic.jar, logback-core.jar,
log4j-over-slf4j.jar). I have removed the jars for log4j from the lib
folder (log4j-1.2.17.jar, slf4j-log4j12-1.7.7.jar). 'logback.xml' is also
correctly updated in 'conf' folder. I have also included 'logback.xml' in
the classpath, although this does not seem to be considered while the job
is run. Flink refers to logback.xml inside the conf folder only. I have
updated pom.xml as per Flink's documentation in order to exclude log4j. I
have some log entries set inside a few map and flatmap functions and some
log entries outside those functions (eg: "program execution started").

When I run the job, Flink writes only those logs that are coded outside the
transformations. Those logs that are coded inside the transformations (map,
flatmap etc) are not getting written to the log file. If this was happening
always, I could have assumed that the Task Manager is not writing the logs.
But Flink displays a strange behavior regarding this. Whenever I update the
logback jars inside the the lib folder(due to version changes), during the
next job run, all logs (even those inside map and flatmap) are written
correctly into the log file. But the logs don't get written in any of the
runs after that. This means that my 'logback.xml' file is correct and the
settings are also correct. But I don't understand why the same settings
don't work while the same job is run again.

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