Sorry Tony it is my fault, I was wrong the first post. Actually now my
situation is the following:

DataStream<Tuple7&lt;String, String, Date, String, String, Double, Double>>
LCxAccResult = HTM.learn(LCxAccStream, new Harness.AnomalyNetwork())
Tuple7&lt;String, String, Date, String, String, Double, Double>>() {...}

so actually the return value of "Learn" is a HTMStream object and the return
value of "Select" is a DataStream where I need to implement slotSharingGroup
on Learn. So I think I can't set SingleOutputStreamOperator as return value
of learn, I believe (I hope not since I have not a clue how to do it :D) I
need to define slotSharingGroup directly in HTMStream class, as in the first

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