Yes, if you think you need better public test utilities. Feel free to open an issue for it.


Am 10/23/17 um 5:32 PM schrieb Rinat:
Timo, thx for your reply.
I’m using gradle instead of maven, but I’ll look through the existing similar plugins for it.

I don’t think, that sharing of external tests between other projects is a good idea, but it’s out of scope of current discussion. The main purpose of my request is to understand the existing best practices for testing functions, that uses *TimeService *and after this, if it’ll be necessary, create an issue with proposals.


On 23 Oct 2017, at 17:51, Timo Walther < <>> wrote:

Hi Rinat,

using one of the Flink test utilities is a good approach to test your custom operators. But of course these classes might change in the future.

First of all, Flink is a open source project so you can just copy the required classes. However, it should be possible to use the Flink test resources like explained here [1]. Flink adds the `test-jar` goal.

@Gary: You are working on the BucketingSink right now, right? Do you have a suggestion?



Am 10/23/17 um 3:16 PM schrieb Rinat:
Hi !!!

I’ve just implemented a new sink, that extends functionality of existing BucketingSink, currently I’m trying to test functionality, that is related with timing. My sink implements *ProcessingTimeCallback, *similarly with the original BucketingSink. I’m trying to inject *TestProcessingTimeService *to test

I discovered, that original tests using some kind of test templates for testing functions *OneInputStreamOperatorTestHarness*, extending which test impl of *ProcessingTimeService* is injected, but this templates are in test scope of *flink-streaming-java *module, so it could’t be accessed by the external projects.

May be someone could help me and explain the better approach for testing sink functionality ?

Thx !

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