I think you need to use readfile.

On Tue, Oct 24, 2017 at 12:32 AM, Telco Phone <tel...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> All,
> Im looking to process files in a directory based on files that are coming
> in via file transfer.
> The files are renamed once the transfer is done to a .DONE.
> These are binary files and I need to process billions per day.
> What I want to do is process the file and then create a new file called
> I need to have a task thread process a file at a time (unsplitable=true)
> The files are in /mnt/DATE/filename.DONE
> They are coming in on 4-5 servers at the moment.
> I can run a task manager on each host so these will be processed on each
> server and written to the same directory.
> What is the best way to build a continues list of files to process and
> hand that filename to tasks threads running on each host...
> Hope this makes sense...
> Thanks in advance.

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