I was looking for withParameters(config) in the Streaming API today. I stumbled across the following thread.
http://apache-flink-mailing-list-archive.1008284.n3. nabble.com/withParameters-for-Streaming-API-td9332.html#a9333 It appears that some of the StreamingAPI developers are in favor of removing the parameters from RichMapFunctions' open. However the best practices article https://ci.apache.org/projects/flink/flink-docs-release-1.3/dev/best_practices.html#using-the-parameters-in-your-flink-program Show examples of using both global configuration (where parameters are available from open) and withParameters(config) (which doesn't work from the Streaming API) I'm trying to make a decision regarding using global parameters with my Flink Streaming jobs. Is using the global configuration a good idea for parameters in the Streaming API or is this best practice just suggested for the Batch API? Is there a reason for the opinion of removing the configuration parameters from open?