Hi Federico,
would it help to buffer events first and perform batches of insertions
for better throughtput? I saw some similar work recently here:
But I would first try the AsyncIO approach, because actually this is a
use case it was made for.
Am 10/2/17 um 11:53 AM schrieb Federico D'Ambrosio:
Hi, I've implemented a sink for Hive as a RichSinkFunction, but once
I've integrated it in my current flink job, I noticed that the
processing of the events slowed down really bad, I guess because of
some blocking calls that need to be when interacting with hive
streaming api.
So, what can be done to make it so the throughput doesn't get hurt by
these calls? I guess increasing (by a lot) the parallelism of the sink
operator could be a solution, but I'd think it's not really a good one.
Maybe using the AsyncFunction API? Decoupling the sink in a buffer
which sends the data + operations to be made in the asyncInvoke method
of the AsyncFunction?
Any suggestion is appreciated.
Kind regards,
Federico D'Ambrosio