Hello guys,

We have a flink 1.3.2 session deployed from Marathon json to Mesos with some of 
the following parameters as environment variables:

"flink_mesos.initial-tasks": "8",
"flink_mesos.resourcemanager.tasks.mem": "4096",

And other environment variables including zookeeper, etc.

The mesos cluster is used for diferents applications (kafka, ad-hoc...), and 
have fragmentation into the agents. Our problem is that the flink session is 
getting all offers, even small ones. In case there are not enough offers to 
suit that configuration, it gets all of them, so there are no resources and 
offers free for other applications.

So the question would be what is the right configuration in these cases to 
avoid using all resources for the same flink session.

Thanks in advance.

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