I have set this in my flink-conf.yaml file. On Friday, September 1, 2017, 3:39:05 PM PDT, ant burton <apburto...@gmail.com> wrote: Is this of any help https://stackoverflow.com/questions/33890759/how-to-specify-overwrite-to-writeastext-in-apache-flink-streaming-0-10-0 fs.overwrite-files: true in your flink-conf.yaml
On 1 Sep 2017, at 23:36, Krishnanand Khambadkone <kkhambadk...@yahoo.com> wrote: I am trying to submit a flink job from the command line and seeing this error. Any idea what could be happening java.io.IOException: File or directory already exists. Existing files and directories are not overwritten in NO_OVERWRITE mode. Use OVERWRITE mode to overwrite existing files and directories.