Sure. Firstly I followed the steps showed here to build the project: flink-htm github <>
In my project I want to perform anomaly detection of values in a stream. I have a Kafka broker as source: /DataStream<Tuple6<String, String, Date, String, String, Double>> stream = env .addSource(new FlinkKafkaConsumer010<>(TOPIC, new CustomDeserializer(), properties)) .assignTimestampsAndWatermarks(new CustomTimestampExtractor()) .keyBy(0);/ The double field of Tuple6 is my target value. I tried to follow the example find in the code download by GitHub, so I transformed my streams of Tuple6 in a stream of KafkaRecord (an object who has just a field value) /DataStream<Harness.KafkaRecord> kafkaStream = MapFunction<Tuple6<String, String, Date, String, String, Double>, Harness.KafkaRecord>(){ @Override public Harness.KafkaRecord map(Tuple6<String, String, Date, String, String, Double> value) throws Exception { return new Harness.KafkaRecord(value.f5); } }); / Note that if I print stream or kafkaStream everything works fine. So I used HTM functions as in the example: /DataStream<Tuple2<Double,Double>> result = HTM.learn(kafkaStream, new Harness.AnomalyNetwork()) .select(new InferenceSelectFunction<Harness.KafkaRecord, Tuple2<Double, Double>>() { @Override public Tuple2<Double,Double> select(Tuple2<Harness.KafkaRecord, NetworkInference> inference) throws Exception { return new Tuple2<Double, Double>( 3.333333 //fake value inference.f1.getAnomalyScore()); } }); / I set my network in a way very similar to that described in example. I just indicated my value is a "double" instead of a "number" and changed the encoder from "ScalarEncoder" to "RandomDistributedScalarEncoder". I have no error during the execution but if I try to print "result" nothing is printed. Just for attempt, I tried to print datastream on a file, nothing anyway. -- View this message in context: Sent from the Apache Flink User Mailing List archive. mailing list archive at