
I'm trying to write on HBase using writeOutputFormat using a custom HBase
format inspired from this example
in flink-hbase (mind you, I'm using Scala instead of Java) and encountering
the error reported in the mail object.

Now, the OutputFormat I'm using is the following:

abstract class HBaseOutputFormat[T](tableDescriptor: HTableDescriptor,
confPath : Path) extends OutputFormat[T]{

  private val LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass)

  var conf : org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration = _
  var connection : Connection = _
  var table : Table = _
  var taskNumber : String = _

  def configure(parameters: Configuration): Unit = {
    conf = HBaseConfiguration.create()
    connection = ConnectionFactory.createConnection(conf)

  def close(): Unit = {


  def open(taskNumber: Int, numTasks: Int): Unit = {
    this.taskNumber = String.valueOf(taskNumber)
    val admin = connection.getAdmin


    table = connection.getTable(tableDescriptor.getTableName)


which is inherited by the actual format used, that implements the
writeRecord method

class HBaseBatchFormat(tableDescriptor: HTableDescriptor, confPath : Path)
  extends HBaseOutputFormat[BatchContainer](tableDescriptor, confPath)

with BatchContainer being

case class BatchContainer(batch: Iterable[(String, String, String,
Int)]) extends Serializable

I'd like to ask you: what needs to be Serializable? As far as I see, conf,
connection and table are not Serializable and so they are surely part of
the issue. Are the constructor parameters, especially tableDescriptor which
is not Serializable, to be considered in this case? Should all the methods
implemented from the OutputFormat interface contain only Serializable

Thank you for you attention,

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