I was able to fix the problem by adding the following line within bin/config.sh:
HBASE_CONF_DIR="/etc/hbase/conf" Indeed, Cloudera 5.9 doesn't set HBASE_CONF_DIR env variable automatically. Another possible solution could be to set this parameter manually into .bash_profile or .profile (not .bashrc because it's read only when the shell is interactive). I don't know whether this is the best solution or not but it works... Best, Flavio On Tue, Aug 22, 2017 at 12:06 PM, Flavio Pompermaier <pomperma...@okkam.it> wrote: > Hi to all, > I'm trying to connect to HBase on Flink 1.3.1 but it seems that > *HBaseConfiguration.create()* doesn't work correctly (because zookeper > properties are not read from hbase-site.xml). > I've also tried to put the hbase-site.xml in the flink conf folder but it > didn't work.. > > What should I do? I didn't have any problem before with Flink 1.2 > > Thanks in advance, > Flavio >