Hi Raja,
I just happened to work on the similar thing, and here is how to do it
in general, I think (In my case, I did a bit more, to deserialize a
tuple of <byte[],byte[]>) :
FlinkKafkaConsumer010<byte[]> consumer = new
FlinkKafkaConsumer010<>("topic_name", new MyDe<byte[]>(), properties);
and for MyDe the schema:
public static class MyDe<T> extends AbstractDeserializationSchema<byte[]> {
public byte[] deserialize(byte[] arg0) {
return new e;
On 08/07/2017 10:47 AM, Raja.Aravapalli wrote:
I am using /SimpleStringSchema/ to deserialize a message read from
kafka, but need some help to know if there is any schema available I
can use rather than “SimpleStringSchema()” and instead just get
“byte[]” without any deserialization happening!
Below is code I am currently using, but instead of
SimpleStringSchema() which is giving me Strings, but I want the a raw
byte array Byte[]:
FlinkKafkaConsumer08<String> myConsumer = *new
*FlinkKafkaConsumer08<>(*"xxx_topic"*, *new */SimpleStringSchema(),/
Thanks a lot.