Thanks Timo. The next message will arrive only after a minute or so. Is there a 
way to evict whatever is there in window buffer just after 10 seconds 
irrespective of whether a new message arrives or not. 


> On Aug 2, 2017, at 6:56 AM, Timo Walther <> wrote:
> Hi Govind,
> if the window is not triggered, this usually indicates that your timestamp 
> and watermark assignment is not correct. According to your description, I 
> don't think that you need a custom trigger/evictor. How often do events 
> arrive from one device? There must be another event from the same device that 
> has a timestamp >10s in order to trigger the window evaluation.
> Instead of using the Kafka timestamp, maybe you could also convert your 
> timestamps to UTC in the TimestampExtractor.
> There are no official limitation. However, each window comes with some 
> overhead. So you should choose your memory/state backends and parallelism 
> accordingly.
> Hope that helps.
> Timo
>> Am 02.08.17 um 06:54 schrieb Govindarajan Srinivasaraghavan:
>> Hi,
>> I have few questions regarding event time windowing. My scenario is devices 
>> from various timezones will send messages with timestamp and I need to 
>> create a window per device for 10 seconds. The messages will mostly arrive 
>> in order.
>> Here is my sample code to perform windowing and aggregating the messages 
>> after the window to further process it.
>> streamEnv.setStreamTimeCharacteristic(TimeCharacteristic.EventTime);
>> FlinkKafkaConsumer010 consumer = new FlinkKafkaConsumer010("STREAM1",
>>                     new DeserializationSchema(),
>>                     kafkaConsumerProperties);
>> DataStream<Message> msgStream = streamEnv
>>                                      .addSource(consumer)
>>                                      .assignTimestampsAndWatermarks(new 
>> TimestampExtractor(Time.of(100, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS))); // 
>> TimestampExtractor implements BoundedOutOfOrdernessTimestampExtractor
>> KeyedStream<Message, String> keyByStream = msgStream.keyBy(new 
>> CustomKeySelector());
>> WindowedStream<Message, String, TimeWindow> windowedStream =
>> keyByStream.window(TumblingEventTimeWindows.of(org.apache.flink.streaming.api.windowing.time.Time.seconds(10)));
>> SingleOutputStreamOperator<Message> aggregatedStream = 
>> windowedStream.apply(new AggregateEntries());
>> My questions are
>> - In the above code, data gets passed till the window function but even 
>> after window time the data is not received in the apply function. Do I have 
>> to supply a custom evictor or trigger?
>> - Since the data is being received from multiple timezones and each device 
>> will have some time difference, would it be ok to assign the timestamp as 
>> that of received timestamp in the message at source (kafka). Will there be 
>> any issues with this?
>> - Are there any limitations on the number of time windows that can be 
>> created at any given time? In my scenario if there are 1 million devices 
>> there will be 1 million tumbling windows.
>> Thanks,
>> Govind

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