Basically, we are not splitting the streams correctly because when we try to select the stream we want from our splitStream (using the select() operation), it never returns a DataStream with just ERROR_EVENT's or a DataStream with just SUCCESS_EVENT's. Instead it returns a DataStream with both ERROR_EVENT's and SUCCESS_EVENT's.
I am receiving data by doing the following: return env.fromElements(SUCCESS_EVENT_JSON, SUCCESS_AND_ERROR_EVENT_JSON); SUCCESS_EVENT_JSON will generate one success event once it is sent through our parser. This is not the concern. The concern is the SUCCESS_AND_ERROR_EVENT_JSON. SUCCESS_AND_ERROR_EVENT will generate 3 events once it is sent through our parser: 1 success event and 2 error events. To discern between success events and error events in a given stream, we use the following splitting logic: <> This splitting logic works fine when dealing with the stream generated from our parser on the SUCCESS_EVENT_JSON because there is only one event at play here: the success event. However, the splitting logic does not correctly split the stream generated from sending SUCCESS_AND_ERROR_EVENT_JSON through our parser. For some context: when sending SUCCESS_AND_ERROR_EVENT_JSON through our parser, the parser returns a DataStream<List<SuperClassEvent>> in the following form [ERROR_EVENT, ERROR_EVENT, SUCCESS_EVENT]. As you can see from the above code, we try to separate the ERROR_EVENT's from the SUCCESS_EVENT by doing output.add("success") or output.add("error") but when when we attempt to select the events in our SplitStream[ERROR_EVENT, ERROR_EVENT, SUCCESS_EVENT] with"success") and"error"), the different events are not separated and both select() operations ("success") &"error")) return two DataStream[ERROR_EVENT, ERROR_EVENT, SUCCESS_EVENT]'s and not one DataStream[ERROR_EVENT, ERROR_EVENT] and one DataStream[SUCCESS_EVENT]. My suspicion for this bug is that we are attempting to split a DataStream<List<TimeseriesEvt>> instead of a DataStream<TimeseriesEvt>, but I cannot find a workaround for DataStream<List<TimeseriesEvt>>. Thanks!! -- View this message in context: Sent from the Apache Flink User Mailing List archive. mailing list archive at