Hi all, 

I am  now trying to implement a anomaly detection algorithm on Flink, which is 
actually implement a Map operator to do anomaly detection based on timeseries.
At first I want to read configuration(like which kafka source host to read 
datastream from and which sink address to write data to ) from mongo db. It 
contains some system metric  I want to monitor.

What I did was read configuration from mongo DB and set as configuration of 

StreamExecutionEnvironment see = 
Configuration conf = new Configuration();
JSONObject jsonConfiguration = readConfiguration();
The “readConfiguration()” method read the configuration from mongoDB.

Just like the code I showed above. I set globalJobParameters to let all my 
workers share these parameters including the metric I want to monitor.But maybe 
at some point I want to change the metric I want to monitor. I think one 
possible way is to dynamically(or periodically) read  configuration and reset 
the globalJobParameters to make the Flink program to change the metric to 
monitor. Is  that possible?

Desheng Zhang

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