Thanks Nico. I am able to pass arguments to the main program, that
works, but not exactly that I was looking for.
I guess to have all worker jvms the same system property, I have to
set it at yarn-session creation time using -D ( haven't tried it yet)
Jins George
On 07/10/2017 06:56 AM, Nico Kruber wrote:
Hi Jins,
I'm not sure whether you can define a system property, but you can include it
in the program arguments of "flink run [OPTIONS] <jar-file> <arguments>"
You may also be able to define system properties but these are probably only
valid in your main() function executed within the flink run script, not any
operators run on other JVM nodes. Have you tried that?
On Saturday, 8 July 2017 18:08:59 CEST Jins George wrote:
I want to set the path of a properties file as System property in my
application(something like -Dkey=value).
Is there a way to set it while submitting a flink job to running YARN
Session? I am using //bin/flink run/ to submit the job to a already
running YARN session.
Jins George