Hi Richard, Producing to multiple topics is treated a bit differently in the Flink Kafka producer. You need to set a single default target topic, and in `KeyedSerializationSchema#getTargetTopic()` you can override the default topic with whatever is returned. The `getTargetTopic` method is invoked for each record.
Cheers, Gordon On 6 July 2017 at 9:09:29 AM, Richard Xin (richardxin...@yahoo.com) wrote: when using FlinkKafkaConsumer010 to subscribing multiple topics as List<String> topics = Arrays.asList("test1","test2"); DataStream<String> stream = env.addSource(new FlinkKafkaConsumer010<>(topics, new SimpleStringSchema(), properties)); How do I get topic names in my SinkFunction? i.e. stream.addSink() Thanks, Richard