Let's say window A and window B end at 12:00:00 and window C at 13:00:00.
When the ProcessFunction receives a watermark at 12:00:01, it knows that
Window A and B have been finished.
When it receives a watermark of 13:00:01 it knows that all results of
window C have been received. If there were no records with timestamp
13:00:00, window C did not receive any data and didn't there not compute

2017-06-22 17:44 GMT+02:00 Ahmad Hassan <ahmad.has...@gmail.com>:

> Thanks for the answers. My scenario is:
> | Window A |
> | Window B |
>                    | Window C |
> If no events are received for Window C, then how process function would
> know that both window 'A' and window 'B' have finished and need to
> aggregated their result before sink is called?
> Thanks
> On 22 June 2017 at 16:27, Fabian Hueske <fhue...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Ahmad,
>> Flink's watermark mechanism guarantees that when you receive a watermark
>> for time t all records with a timestamp smaller than t have been received
>> as well.
>> Records emitted from a window have the timestamp of their end time. So,
>> the ProcessFunction receives a timestamp for 12:00:00 you can be sure that
>> you also received all records for windows that closed before 12:00:00.
>> The function should buffer all records it receives between watermarks as
>> state and once it receives a watermark (triggering of a registered
>> event-time timer) it should write the buffered records out.
>> Btw. this only works for event time windows but not for processing time.
>> Cheers, Fabian
>> 2017-06-22 16:44 GMT+02:00 Ahmad Hassan <ahmad.has...@gmail.com>:
>>> Hi Stefan,
>>> How process function would know that the last window result has arrived?
>>> Because slidingwindows slide every 5 minutes which means that window of new
>>> time-range or new watermark will arrive after 5 minutes.
>>> Thanks
>>> On 22 June 2017 at 15:10, Stefan Richter <s.rich...@data-artisans.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> The process function has the signature
>>>> void processElement(I value, Context ctx, Collector<O> out) throws 
>>>> Exception
>>>> where the context is providing access to the current watermark and you
>>>> can also register timer callbacks, when that trigger when a certain
>>>> watermark is reached. You can simply monitor the watermark through the
>>>> context for each incoming window result. *Start* time is not
>>>> important, because you know that you have collected the results for all
>>>> windows with a smaller *end* time than the watermark that you
>>>> currently see in the context, because this is Flinkā€™s notion of
>>>> completeness. This means you can prepare those windows and aggregate
>>>> results and send them downstream to the sink.
>>>> Am 22.06.2017 um 15:46 schrieb Ahmad Hassan <ahmad.has...@gmail.com>:
>>>> Thanks Stefan, But how the Process function will have these
>>>> watermarks? I have sliding windows like below
>>>> final DataStream<WindowStats> eventStream = inputStream
>>>> .window(SlidingProcessingTimeWindows.of(Time.minutes(100,Time.minutes(5
>>>> )))
>>>> .fold(new WindowStats(), new ProductAggregationMapper(), new
>>>> ProductAggregationWindowFunction());
>>>> Window results are coming every 5 minutes after first window output.
>>>> How the process function would know that all the windows for a Tenant have
>>>> finished for a giving start and end time.
>>>> Thanks for help.
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> On 22 June 2017 at 14:37, Stefan Richter <s.rich...@data-artisans.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> one possible approach could be that you have a process function before
>>>>> the sink. Process function is aware of watermarks, so it can collect and
>>>>> buffer window results until it sees a watermark. This is the signal that
>>>>> all results for windows with an end time smaller than the watermark are
>>>>> complete. They can then be aggregated and send to the sink.
>>>>> Best,
>>>>> Stefan
>>>>> > Am 22.06.2017 um 15:15 schrieb Ahmad Hassan <ahmad.has...@gmail.com
>>>>> >:
>>>>> >
>>>>> > Hi All,
>>>>> >
>>>>> > I am using categoryID as a keyby attribute for creating keyed stream
>>>>> from a product event stream. Keyed stream then creates time windows for
>>>>> each category. However, when the window time expires, i want to write the
>>>>> output data of all the products in all all categories in a single atomic
>>>>> operation collectively. Is there a way to call a single sink function for
>>>>> all the windows with same start and end time. Or is there a way in flink 
>>>>> to
>>>>> know that all windows with same end time have finished processing their
>>>>> sink function?
>>>>> >
>>>>> > Currently, each window calls sink function individually.
>>>>> >
>>>>> > cheers,
>>>>> >

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