I’m using the Flink 1.3.0 release and am not seeing all of the metrics that I would expect to see. I have flink configured to write out metrics via statsd and I am consuming this with telegraf. Initially I thought this was an issue with telegraf parsing the data generated. I dumped all of the metrics going into telegraf using tcpdump and found that there was a bunch of data missing that I expect.
I’m using this as a reference for what metrics I expect: https://ci.apache.org/projects/flink/flink-docs-release-1.3/monitoring/metrics.html I see all of the JobManager and TaskManager level metrics. Things like Status.JVM.* are coming through. TaskManager Status.Network are there (but not Task level buffers). The ‘Cluster’ metrics are there. This IO section contains task and operator level metrics (like what is available on the dashboard). I’m not seeing any of these metrics coming through when using statsd. I’m configuring flink with this configuration: metrics.reporters: statsd metrics.reporter.statsd.class: org.apache.flink.metrics.statsd.StatsDReporter metrics.reporter.statsd.host: hostname metrics.reporter.statsd.port: 8125 # Customized Scopes metrics.scope.jm: flink.jm metrics.scope.jm.job: flink.jm.<job_name> metrics.scope.tm: flink.tm.<tm_id> metrics.scope.tm.job: flink.tm.<tm_id>.<job_name> metrics.scope.task: flink.tm.<tm_id>.<job_name>.<task_name>.<subtask_index> metrics.scope.operator: flink.tm.<tm_id>.<job_name>.<operator_name>.<subtask_index> I have tried with and without specifically setting the metrics.scope values. Is anyone else having similar issues with metrics in 1.3? Thanks Chris Dail Director, Software Engineering Dell EMC | Infrastructure Solutions Group mobile +1 506 863 4675 christopher.d...@dell.com<mailto:christopher.d...@dell.com>