Hi Biplob,

1. The CEPPatternOperator can use either processing time or event time for
its internal processing logic. It only depends on what TimeCharacteristic
you have set for your program. Consequently, with event time, your example
should be detected as an alert.

2. If you don't provide a keyed input stream, then Flink will execute the
CEP operator only with a parallelism of 1. Thus, all events pass through
the same instance of the CEP operator.

3. It's hard to tell but I would assume that something with the watermark
generation does not properly work. For example, it could be that you've set
the out of orderness to a very large value such that it will take a long
time until you can be sure that you've seen all events for a given
watermark on the input without monotonically increasing timestamps. The
easiest way to debug the problem would be a self-contained example program
which reproduces the problem.


On Fri, Jun 2, 2017 at 1:10 PM, Biplob Biswas <revolutioni...@gmail.com>

> Hi ,
> Thanks a lot for the help last time, I have a few more questions and I
> chose
> to create a new topic as the problem in the previous topic was solved,
> thanks to useful inputs from Flink Community. The questions are as follows
> *1.* What time does the "within" operator works on "Event Time" or
> "Processing Time", I am asking this as I wanted to know whether something
> like the following would be captured or not.
> MaxOutofOrderness is set to 10 mins, and "within" operator is specified for
> 5 mins. So if a first events event time is at 1:00  and the corresponding
> next event is has an event time of 1:04 but it arrives in the system at
> 1:06. Would this still be processed and alert would be generated or not?
> *2.* What would happen if I don't have a key to specify, the way 2 events
> are correlated is by using the ctx of the first event and matching some
> different id. So, we can't group by some unique field. I tried a test run
> without specifying a key and it apparently works. But how is the shuffling
> done then in this case?
> *3.* This is one of the major issue, So I could use Event Time with
> ascending event time extractor for one of my kafka topic because its
> behavior is consistent.  But when i added another topic to read from where
> the events are not in ascending order, using ascending timestampextractor
> gave me timestamp monotonicity violation. Then when I am using
> BoundedOutOfOrdernessTimestampExtractor for the same, I am not getting any
> warnings anymore but I am no more getting my alerts.
> If I go back to using processing time, then I am again getting alerts
> properly. What could be the problem here?
> *This is the code I am using:*
> /public class CEPForBAM {
>   public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
>     StreamExecutionEnvironment env =
> StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment();
>     System.out.println(env.getStreamTimeCharacteristic());
>     env.setStreamTimeCharacteristic(TimeCharacteristic.EventTime);
>     env.getConfig().setAutoWatermarkInterval(10000);
> // configure Kafka consumer
>     Properties props = new Properties();
>     props = getDefaultProperties(props);
>     FlinkKafkaConsumer010<BAMEvent> kafkaSource = new
> FlinkKafkaConsumer010<>(
>             Arrays.asList("topic1", "topic_x", "topic_test"),
>             new StringSerializerToEvent(),
>             props);
>     kafkaSource.assignTimestampsAndWatermarks(new
> BoundedOutOfOrdernessTimestampExtractor<BAMEvent>(Time.seconds(60)) {
>       private static final long serialVersionUID = -7228487240278428374L;
>       @Override
>       public long extractTimestamp(BAMEvent event) {
>         return event.getTimestamp();
>       }
>     });
>     DataStream<BAMEvent> events = env.addSource(kafkaSource);
>     // Input stream of monitoring events
> /*    DataStream<BAMEvent> partitionedInput = events
>             .keyBy((KeySelector<BAMEvent, String>) BAMEvent::getId);*/
>      evetns.print();
>     //partitionedInput.print();
>     Pattern<BAMEvent, ?> pattern = Pattern.<BAMEvent>begin("first")
>             .where(new SimpleCondition<BAMEvent>() {
>               private static final long serialVersionUID =
> 1390448281048961616L;
>               @Override
>               public boolean filter(BAMEvent event) throws Exception {
>                 return
> event.getEventName().equals(ReadEventType.class.getSimpleName());
>               }
>             })
>             .followedBy("second")
>             .where(new IterativeCondition<BAMEvent>() {
>               private static final long serialVersionUID =
> -9216505110246259082L;
>               @Override
>               public boolean filter(BAMEvent secondEvent, Context<BAMEvent>
> ctx) throws Exception {
>                 if
> (secondEvent.getEventName().equals(StatusChangedEventType.
> class.getSimpleName()))
> {
>                   for (BAMEvent firstEvent :
> ctx.getEventsForPattern("first")) {
>                     if
> (secondEvent.getCorrelationID().contains(firstEvent.getEventId()))
>                       return true;
>                   }
>                 }
>                 return false;
>               }
>             })
>             .within(Time.minutes(10));
>     PatternStream<BAMEvent> patternStream = CEP.pattern(events, pattern);
>     DataStream<Either&lt;String, String>> alerts = patternStream.select(new
> PatternTimeoutFunction<BAMEvent, String>() {
>       private static final long serialVersionUID = -8717561187522704500L;
>       @Override
>       public String timeout(Map<String, List&lt;BAMEvent>> map, long l)
> throws Exception {
>         return "TimedOut: " + map.toString() + " @ " + l;
>       }
>     }, new PatternSelectFunction<BAMEvent, String>() {
>       private static final long serialVersionUID = 3144439966791408980L;
>       @Override
>       public String select(Map<String, List&lt;BAMEvent>> pattern) throws
> Exception {
>         BAMEvent bamEvent = pattern.get("first").get(0);
>         return "Matched Events: " + bamEvent.getEventId() + "_" +
> bamEvent.getEventName();
>       }
>     });
>     alerts.print();
>     env.execute("CEP monitoring job");
>   }
> }/
> Even when I am using Event Time, I am getting events from kafka as can be
> shown from event.print()
> --
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