Hi Robert, Thanks Robert, I’ll start using the logger.
I didn’t pay attention whether the error occur when I accessed the log from job manager. I will do that in my next test. Anyone has any suggestion on how to debug out of memory exception on flink jm/tm ? — Fritz > On May 22, 2017, at 12:04 PM, Robert Metzger <rmetz...@apache.org> wrote: > > Hi Fritz, > > The TaskManagers are not buffering all stdout for the webinterface (at least > I'm not aware of that). Did the error occur when accessing the log from the > JobManager? > Flinks web front end lazily loads the logs from the taskmanagers. > > The suggested method for logging is to use slf4j for logging, so the > following code snippets : > > import org.slf4j.Logger; > import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; > private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MyJob.class); > Then you can do stuff like: > LOG.info("My log statement"); > Also, using a logging Framework will allow you to redirect the log contents > of your job to a separate file. > > But I'm not sure if the logging is really causing the TaskManager JVMs to die > ... > > > On Sat, May 20, 2017 at 3:12 AM, Fritz Budiyanto <fbudi...@icloud.com > <mailto:fbudi...@icloud.com>> wrote: > Hi, > > I notice that when I enabled DataStreamSink’s print() for debugging, (kinda > excessive printing), its causing java Heap out of memory. > Possibly the Task Manager is buffering all stdout for the WebInterface? I > haven’t spent time debugging it, but I wonder if this is expected where > massive print will exhaust java heap, and I’m using standalone mode. > > Is there a way to disable this memory logging for web interface, and just > redirect stdout to file instead with file rotation? > What is the suggested method of logging ? > > — > Fritz >