Hi Jim,

What are your checkpointing settings? Are you checkpointing to a distributed 
file system, such as HDFS or S3 or the local file system. The latter should not 
be used in a production setting and I would not expect this to work properly. 
(Except if the local filesystem is actually a network mounted file system)


> On 15. May 2017, at 17:05, Jim Langston <jlangs...@resolutebi.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have a long running , streaming app saving checkpoints to
> the file system. 
> What is the layout of the checkpoint directory ? My current
> checkpoint directory has >2000 directories in it , similar to this:
> chk-4645
> Also, the directory has grown to >3GB
> I have a small cluster, and all were started at the same time, nothing
> has been restarted, but this is occurring one of the nodes, the others have
> about the same number of directories in the checkpoint directory, but
> not nearly as large.
> Why are there so many chk-xxxx directories ? And why can they become
> so large ? Is there something I should be setting in the yaml file ?
> I was going to just remove them , but it just struck me as odd that there
> are so many …
> Thanks
> Jim

  • Checkpoint ? Jim Langston
    • Re: Checkpoint ? Aljoscha Krettek

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