
If your could give us a look at your custom Trigger we might be able to figure 
out what’s going on.

> On 22. May 2017, at 09:06, Samim Ahmed <samim1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello All,
> Hope you are doing well..
> Myself Samim and I am working of POC(proof of concept) for a project. In this 
> project we are using Apache Flink to process the stream data and find the 
> required pattern and finally dump those patterns in DB.
> So to implement this we have used the global window and customized trigger to 
> done our work.
> While testing we observed that output is coming as expected but we are 
> loosing the data for few minutes when the Stream ends at input.
> For example If the data streaming stared at 1pm and it ends at 5pm on the 
> same day and in out put we found the data is missing for the time 4:55pm to 5 
> pm. Also we observed when the input data stream finishes immediately the 
> entire process stops and the last few minutes data are remains inside the 
> window.
> We need your help here to overcome this last minutes data missing issue as I 
> am new to this flink framework. Do we have any API available to solve this 
> problem or it is the Flink limitation?
> It’ll be great if you share your views and do let me know if you need any 
> further information.
> I am waiting for your inputs, Thanks in advance.
> Thanks,
> Samim.

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