
it might be a problem, that your TableFunction is called like an attribute
(both are called fields).
If that's not the case, can you provide more information?

- Is there an error message?
  - Yes: what's the error message
  - No: what's the output and what would you expect?
- Is this for batch or streaming?

Thanks, Fabian

2017-05-09 0:27 GMT+02:00 Samuel Doyle <samueldo...@gmail.com>:

> I want to do something like the following
>             .join("fields(fields) as (name, content)")
>             .where("text = 'password for user' && name='text' &&
> !content.like('%accepted%') && name='appname' && content.like('%hostd%')")
> Fields collects 4 rows in this case which contain those values
> This doesn't work with flink 1.2. Is there a way to accomplish this?
> …
> --
> Sent from my phone

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