Hi Vijay,

Generally, for asynchronous operations to enrich (or in your case, fetching the 
algorithm for the actual transformation of the data), you’ll want to look at 
Flink’s Async I/O [1].

For your second question, I can see it as a stateful `FlatMapFunction` that 
keeps the seen results as managed state. Once all results are seen (i.e. the 
last result arrives at the operator), you join them and emit your final result 
further downstream.

Does this help with the use case you have in mind?



On 27 April 2017 at 5:29:05 PM, G.S.Vijay Raajaa (gsvijayraa...@gmail.com) 


I have just started to explore Flink and have couple of questions. I  am 
wondering if its possible to call a rest endpoint asynchronously and pipe the 
response to the next state of my transformation on the stream. The idea is such 
that after charging my data in a predefined time window, I would like to apply 
some algorithm/transformation on the window of data external to Flink. The 
algos have been exposed as REST endpoints.

My seconds question is an extension to the previous one, if i need to transform 
my window data by applying three different algorithms in parallel exposed via 
subsequent rest endpoints, how do wait unless the individual rest endpoints 
respond back . Potentially I need to join the results of the three algorithms 
before I call the sink.

Vijay Raajaa 

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