Plus, I'm currently using 1.1.2 and I cannot change version due to dependency 
Thanks in advance,


>----Messaggio originale----
>From: "" <>
>Date: 21/04/2017 17.42
>To: <>
>Subj: R: WELCOME to
>Dear Users and Apache Flink devs,
>         For each one of my distributed computation, I'm generating and 
>reading the json files produced by the getExecutionPlan() in order to 
>my benchmarks. Is there some guide providing an explaination of the exact 
>meaning of the fields of the generated JSON file? I'm trying to 
>from the timing result which part of the computation time was spent sending 
>messages and which time was spent during either I/O or CPU operations.
>         By the way, I also noticed that I do not get any information 
>concerning the actual data that is been used and transmitted throughout the 
>network (the actual data size and the messages' data size). 
>         Moreover, currently I'm using the following way to get the JSON file
>> createAndRegisterDataSinks();
>> String plan = globalEnvironment.getExecutionPlan();
>> createAndRegisterDataSinks();
>> globalEnvironment.execute(getClass().getSimpleName()); // Running the 
>          Is there a better way to do it?
>          Thanks in advance for your support,
>    Giacomo90

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