Hi, My name is Siddhartha Sahu and I am a Master's student at University of Waterloo working on graph processing with Prof. Semih Salihoglu. As part of my research, I am running a survey on how graphs are used in the industry and academia.
If you work with any kind of graph technology, such as the Apache Flink Graph API: Gelly, please participate in the survey: *Survey link*: https://dsg-uwaterloo.typeform.com/to/EBihxG The survey will take about *5-10 minutes* to finish. Most of the questions are *multiple-choice questions*, and you can *skip any number of questions*. I would really appreciate if you filled out my survey :) Also, kindly forward the survey to any one else you know who also works on graph processing. Our goal is to help researchers who work on graph processing understand the types of data, computations, and software that are used in practice. We hope the information we can gather from participation in this survey can guide the research people like ourselves do in universities. We plan to share the information we gather from the survey with the wider research community through a publication. This survey has been reviewed and received ethics clearance through a University of Waterloo Research Ethics Committee. You will see that the first page of the survey contains a long consent page as required by the university. Thank you very much in advance for your support. Regards, Siddhartha Sahu s3s...@uwaterloo.ca