Thank you for the information, I'll have a look.

> On Apr 10, 2017, at 06:02, Steven Le Roux <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm head of @OvhMetrics which is a Cloud scaled managed time series platform 
> targetting IoT and Monitoring.
> We're also using @warp10io components with some glue and optimisations. The 
> storage layer is based on Apache HBase which is to me an ideal compromise 
> between storage efficiency (bytes per data point, compression, no indexing), 
> and performance (range scan capacities, custom filters, ...)
> This allows us to use two paradigm to produce data : either you use the HTTP 
> endpoint, either MR targetting directly HBase since Warp10 has strong hadoop 
> integration.
> Advantages of Warp10 vs Influx : 
>   - Warp10 is fully open source, influx is not (clustering not available as 
> OSS)
>   - Influx is good at ingestion but it needs your data to come in order. Real 
> time use cases show that data points don't arrive in order (some are 
> retained, buffering make older point to arrive after newest, etc...)
>   - Warp10 has been measured at 1.8M data points/s per thread! (and not in an 
> optimised case)
>   - The true power of Warp10 is WarpScript: its query language that adopts a 
> data flow approach and has been designed for Time series from ground up. Our 
> customers are doing truely amazing things with WarpScript that contains 
> nearly 800 functions...  It brings analytics and signal processing over your 
> time series data
>   - Warp10 can be deployed either standalone (in-mem or leveldb) or 
> distributed mode (hbase)
>   - Security is mandatory and does not affect performance
>   - you can delete massive amounts of data range or just a single point 
> easily.
> Matt, if you want few metrics of our use of Warp10 inside OVH :
>   - 450M of unique series
>   - nominal load of 1.5M datapoints/s
>   - we have a delete rate of 10M data points/s
> If you have more interest in Warp10, you can ask there :  
> Regards,
>> On Mon, Apr 10, 2017 at 10:26 AM, Alexis Gendronneau 
>> <> wrote:
>> hi,
>> Did you know ? It's a geotimeserie database. As far as 
>> i know this techno can handle 100k+  points per node ingestion, and its 
>> query language is powerful. I already tried it to process timeseries 
>> correlation. I'm pretty sure you wont be disappionted by it. 
>> Regards,
>> 2017-04-09 17:07 GMT+02:00 Matt <>:
>>> I just noticed the first link is wrong, I intended to send [1] instead.
>>> On a second look at InfluxDB, the compression is really better than Druid, 
>>> same for write and read performance. I'll have a deeper look before 
>>> committing to one.
>>> [1] 
>>> On Sat, Apr 8, 2017 at 9:40 PM, Matt <> wrote:
>>>> I compared them some days ago.
>>>> I found a useful article about many of the tsdb available out there [1], 
>>>> check the big table on the article, it's really helpful. The thing that 
>>>> bothered me the most about InfluxDB was not being able to setup a cluster 
>>>> using the open source distribution, that may not be a problem in the 
>>>> future but I preferred to be able to do so now.
>>>> Regarding Druid there is also a really interesting talk by one of its 
>>>> committers [2]. I liked some of the decisions they made regarding the way 
>>>> queries are executed and the way the data is stored on disk (they have 
>>>> taken some ideas from the search engine industry).
>>>> The other promising alternative is Prometheus, though I haven't had a look 
>>>> at it yet, I plan to do so in the near future.
>>>> If anyone is using a time-series database and wants to tell us about it 
>>>> that would be helpful!
>>>> Best regards,
>>>> Matt
>>>> [1] 
>>>> [2]
>>>>> On Sat, Apr 8, 2017 at 8:16 PM, Ted Yu <> wrote:
>>>>> I found this related post:
>>>>>> On Sat, Apr 8, 2017 at 3:56 PM, Traku traku <> wrote:
>>>>>> I'm using Influxdb. I think influxdb is easier as time-series database 
>>>>>> solution.
>>>>>> Did you compare them?
>>>>>> Best regards.
>>>>>> 2017-04-07 21:01 GMT+02:00 Matt <>:
>>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>>> I'm looking for an example of Tranquility (Druid's lib) as a Flink sink.
>>>>>>> I'm trying to follow the code in [1] but I feel it's incomplete or 
>>>>>>> maybe outdated, it doesn't mention anything about other method 
>>>>>>> (tranquilizer) that seems to be part of the BeamFactory interface in 
>>>>>>> the current version.
>>>>>>> If anyone has any code or a working project to use as a reference that 
>>>>>>> would be awesome for me and for the rest of us looking for a 
>>>>>>> time-series database solution!
>>>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>>>> Matt
>>>>>>> [1]
>> -- 
>> Alexis Gendronneau

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