Hi  lining,
        From JobGraph level, it is logic topology. There will be one 
IntermediateDataSet between each producer and consumer, like the case 
A-IntermediateDataSet-B,  A-IntermediateDataSet-D in the left graph.Also the 
same case for  B-IntermediateDataSet-C,  B-IntermediateDataSet-D, but the 
IntermediateDataSet between B and D is not shown separately in the left graph.
       From ExecutionGraph level, it is related with physical runtime. There 
will be one IntermediateResultPartition among each connected parallel 
ExecutionVertex, like the case 
 A2-IntermediateResultPartition-B2 in the right graph.
 jing <jinglini...@gmail.com>发送时间:2017年3月15日(星期三) 10:54收件人:user 
<user@flink.apache.org>; Zhijiang(wangzhijiang999) 
<wangzhijiang...@aliyun.com>主 题:Re: multiple consumer of intermediate data set
Hi,   if output is same, why not just only one intermediate data set is ok
2017-03-14 14:36 GMT+08:00 Zhijiang(wangzhijiang999) 
Hi ,
     I think there is no difference between JobVertex(A) and JobVertex(B). 
Because the JobVertex(C) is not shown in the right graph, it may mislead 
you.There should be another intermediate result partition between JobVertex(B) 
and JobVertex(C) for each parallelism, and that is the same case with 

 <ynoo...@naver.com>发送时间:2017年3月13日(星期一) 12:43收件人:user <user@flink.apache.org>主 
题:multiple consumer of intermediate data set
Hi All, figure1
 as we can see in figure1, JobVertex(B) has two consumer( JobVertex(C) and 
JobVertex(D) )and accordingly Intermediate Data Set of JobVertex(B) has two 
consumer( JobVertex(C) and JobVertex(D) )
but in case of JobVertex(A), though it has two consumer( JobVertex(B) and 
JobVertex(D) ) same as JobVertex(B)it has two separate intermediates data set 
and each intermediate data set has one consumer.
i couldn't understand why... for me it looks same case but why one has one 
Intermediate Data Set and another has two?
could anyone explain what is difference between JobVertex(A) and JobVertex(B)? 

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