Hi Fritz,
this seems to be a bug caused by some leftover (overeager) check. The
EvictingWindowOperator in fact has the code to deal with merging windows.

I opened this issue to track the bug:

As a workaround, you can use a purging Trigger. You can turn any trigger
into a purging trigger using PurgingTrigger.of(<my trigger>). When you do
this, the window contents will be cleaned after every window firing.


On Mon, 27 Feb 2017 at 19:12 Fritz Budiyanto <fbudi...@icloud.com> wrote:

> Hi All,
> How do I evict elements from EventTimeSessionWindow ?
> My use case as follow: I have a long duration session window, and I’d like
> to do some processing on every minute and perform regular sink. I use
> ContinuousEventTimeTrigger to do the job, as the session could last for
> hours (or even days) where large number of new elements kept on coming in.
> I’d like to evict these elements which I already processed from the
> previous trigger. Evicting elements is necessary for us to release unused
> large number of elements which already processed in the previous trigger,
> and also we don’t want to continuously processing these elements over and
> over again through out the continuous trigger. I tried to set evictor, but
> it is not allowed for MergingWindow type.
> Any thought, comments, or suggestions ?
> Thanks,
> —
> Fritz

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