Hi Team,

    We are analysing different deployment options for managing Flink Jobs
on AWS EC2 instances.

     Basically, the options (Resource Manangers) in front of us are using:
     -> Standalone cluster
     -> On YARN
     -> Deploy using Mesos/Marthon
     -> Deploy using Kubernetes/Docker

     The Resource Managers options are a bit confusing as we are unable to
decide on which one to go with. What we are looking at as inputs to our
analysis is:
    ->  Dynamic Scaling of resources
    ->  Resource Allocation
    ->  Jobs Scheduling
    ->  No-Downtime upgrades
    ->  Monitoring & Metrics.

    Right now our plan is to do a paper based study evaluating these

    I'm sure lot of you guys in production/support would have encountered
issues around these. Can someone point out to blogs/research
papers/material focussing on the approach taken and the considerations for

    Any help here is highly appreciated !

Best Regards

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