>From what I've read in the documentation, and from the examples I've seen, in >order to make state queryable externally to Flink, the state descriptor >variables need access to the Flink runtime context.
This means the stream processor has to have access to the 'Rich' level objects - 'RichFlatMap' for example. All the SNAPSHOT1.2 queryable state examples I have seen revolve around RichFlatMap. Is there a way to get the runtime context exposed so that you can have state descriptor variables queryable from within a Flink window, while the window is loading? My processor is built around the following: .addSource(new FlinkKafkaConsumer010()) .assignTimestampsAndWatermarks(new MyTimestampsAndWatermarks()) .keyBy() .window(GlobalWindows.create()) .trigger(new myTrigger()) .apply(new myWindowFunction()) .addSink(new mySink()) The only rich object in this chain are available in the apply (RichWindowFunction). But that is too late - I want to be able to query out whats in the window while it is filling. I know I have access to onElement in the trigger, and I can set up the state descriptor variables there, but the variables don't seem to have exposure to the runtime environment within the trigger. Is there a way to get queryable state within a Flink window while it is filling?