So given an ordered list of texts, for each word find the earliest text
it appears in?
As Kostas said, when splitting the text into words wrap them in a Tuple2
containing the word
and text index and group them by the word.
As far as i can tell the next step would be a simple reduce that finds
the smallest
index; for this there is a convenience minBy() transformation.
On 05.01.2017 12:25, Kostas Kloudas wrote:
Hi Sebastian,
If T_1 must be processed before T_i, i>1, then you cannot parallelize the
If this is not a restriction, then you could;
1) split the text in words and also attach the id of the text they appear in,
2) do a groupBy that will send all the same words to the same node,
3) keep a “per-word” state with the word and the index of the text,
4) when a new word arrives you should check if the word already exists in the
On Jan 5, 2017, at 11:51 AM, Sebastian Neef <>
I'd like to implement an algorithm which doesn't really look
parallelizable to me, but maybe there's a way around it:
In general the algorithm looks like this:
1. Take a list of texts T_1 ... T_n
2. For every text T_i (i > 1) do
2.1: Split text into a list of words W_1 ... W_m
2.2: For every word W_j do:
2.2.1.: Check if word already existed in a prior text T_k ( i > k )
2.2.2.: If so, mark word W_j with k
2.2.3.: Else mark word W_j with i
3. Do something with texts based on marked words...
I have a DataSet<Text> with all texts T_1...T_n.
As far as I understand, I cannot simply .map(...) the DataSet, because
T_i's calculation is based on previous results (i.e. T_(i-1)).
My current solution would be to set the parallelism to 1.
- Is there an elegant way to parallelize this algorithm?
- Does setting parallelism=1 guarantee a specific order of the DataSet?
- Is there a way to check if an element exists in a DataSet? E.g.
Best regards,