Very good question! As the documentation mentions, the old way was to
use `setNumberOfExecutionRerties` but it has been replaced by

If you don't configure anything, then your job will _not_ be
restarted. However, if you have enabled checkpointing, then your
application will be restarted infinitely. You can change that behavior
with setRestartStrategy or setNumberOfExecutionRerties (wouldn't use
it because it is deprecated).

I'll update the documentation to provide more clarity.


On Tue, Dec 6, 2016 at 12:34 AM, Rohit Agarwal <> wrote:
> Hi,
> says:
> Number of retries: The setNumberOfExecutionRerties() method defines how many
> times the job is restarted after a failure. When checkpointing is activated,
> but this value is not explicitly set, the job is restarted infinitely often.
> It also says:
> The default restart strategy is set via Flinkā€™s configuration file
> flink-conf.yaml. The configuration parameter restart-strategy defines which
> strategy is taken. Per default, the no-restart strategy is used.
> What is the default restart behavior when checkpointing is used?
> --
> Rohit Agarwal

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