EMRFS looks to *add* cost (and consistency). Storing an object to S3 costs "$0.005 per 1,000 requests", so $0.432/day at 1 Hz. Is the number of checkpoint files simply parallelism * number of operators? That could add up quickly.
Is the recommendation to run HDFS on EBS? On Wed, Nov 23, 2016 at 12:40 PM, Jonathan Share <jon.sh...@gmail.com> wrote: > Hi Greg, > > Standard storage class, everything is on defaults, we've not done anything > special with the bucket. > > Cloud Watch only appears to give me total billing for S3 in general, I > don't see a breakdown unless that's something I can configure somewhere. > > Regards, > Jonathan > > > On 23 November 2016 at 16:29, Greg Hogan <c...@greghogan.com> wrote: > >> Hi Jonathan, >> >> Which S3 storage class are you using? Do you have a breakdown of the S3 >> costs as storage / API calls / early deletes / data transfer? >> >> Greg >> >> On Wed, Nov 23, 2016 at 2:52 AM, Jonathan Share <jon.sh...@gmail.com> >> wrote: >> >>> Hi, >>> >>> I'm interested in hearing if anyone else has experience with using >>> Amazon S3 as a state backend in the Frankfurt region. For political reasons >>> we've been asked to keep all European data in Amazon's Frankfurt region. >>> This causes a problem as the S3 endpoint in Frankfurt requires the use of >>> AWS Signature Version 4 "This new Region supports only Signature >>> Version 4" [1] and this doesn't appear to work with the Hadoop version >>> that Flink is built against [2]. >>> >>> After some hacking we have managed to create a docker image with a build >>> of Flink 1.2 master, copying over jar files from the hadoop >>> 3.0.0-alpha1 package and this appears to work, for the most part but we >>> still suffer from some classpath problems (conflicts between AWS API used >>> in hadoop and those we want to use in out streams for interacting with >>> Kinesis) and the whole thing feels a little fragile. Has anyone else tried >>> this? Is there a simpler solution? >>> >>> As a follow-up question, we saw that with checkpointing on three >>> relatively simple streams set to 1 second, our S3 costs were higher than >>> the EC2 costs for our entire infrastructure. This seems slightly >>> disproportionate. For now we have reduced checkpointing interval to 10 >>> seconds and that has greatly improved the cost projections graphed via >>> Amazon Cloud Watch, but I'm interested in hearing other peoples experience >>> with this. Is that the kind of billing level we can expect or is this a >>> symptom of a mis-configuration? Is this a setup others are using? As we are >>> using Kinesis as the source for all streams I don't see a huge risk with >>> larger checkpoint intervals and our Sinks are designed to mostly tolerate >>> duplicates (some improvements can be made). >>> >>> Thanks in advance >>> Jonathan >>> >>> >>> [1] https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/aws-region-germany/ >>> [2] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HADOOP-13324 >>> >> >> >