Does the following work?


On Wed, Oct 26, 2016 at 2:01 PM, Julian Bauß <> wrote:
> Hello Everybody,
> I'm currently trying to change the state of a CoFlatMapFunction with the
> help of a connected configuration-stream. The code looks something like
> this.
> streamToBeConfigured.connect(configMessageStream)
> .keyBy(new SomeIdKeySelecor(), new ConfigMessageKeySelector)
> .flatMap(new FunctionWithConfigurableState())
> .addSink(...);
> The Stream with the actual functionality is keyedBy an Id but the
> ConfigMessages don't contain any Id to key them by. They are just
> "key=value"-Strings that should be broadcasted to all instances of the
> CoFlatMapFunction() regardless of what Id they are keyed by.
> Is there any way to do that?
> Best Regards,
> Julian

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