> Will the above ensure that dsSide is always available before ds3 elements 
> arrive on the connected stream. Am I correct in assuming that ds2 changes 
> will continue to be broadcast to ds3 (with no ordering guarantees between ds3 
> and dsSide, ofcourse).

Broadcasting is just a partition strategy. If you broadcast a stream,
all records part of the stream will be replicated to all partitions.
This is in contrast with a keyBy which would spread records among
partitions. So yes, in the example `DataStream ds4 =
ds3.connect(dsSide.broadcast());`, you can't assume dsSide is made
available first. The elements will arrive as they are sent over the

On Tue, Oct 4, 2016 at 11:45 AM, Till Rohrmann <trohrm...@apache.org> wrote:
> Hi Sameer,
> the semantics of side inputs are not fully fledged out yet, as far as I
> know.
> The design doc says that one first waits for some data on the side input
> before starting processing the main input. Therefore, I would assume that
> you have some temporal ordering of the side input and main input compared to
> connected streams.
> But don't take this as guaranteed since this feature is still under
> development and the semantics are not fully decided yet.
> Cheers,
> Till
> On Mon, Oct 3, 2016 at 2:31 PM, Sameer W <sam...@axiomine.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I read the Side Inputs design document. How does it compare to using
>> ConnectedStreams with respect to handling the ordering of streams
>> transparently?
>> One of the challenges I have with ConnectedStreams is I need to buffer
>> main input if the rules stream has not arrived yet. Does this automatically
>> go away with Side Inputs? Will the call to  String sideValue =
>>        getRuntimeContext().getSideInput(filterString);
>> block if the side input is not available yet? And is the reverse also
>> true?
>> Alternatively, if my rules are not large in number and I want to broadcast
>> them to all nodes is the below equivalent to using SideInputs where side
>> inputs are broadcast to all nodes and ensure that the side input is
>> evaluated before the main input:
>> DataStream ds4 = ds3.connect(dsSide.broadcast());
>> Will the above ensure that dsSide is always available before ds3 elements
>> arrive on the connected stream. Am I correct in assuming that ds2 changes
>> will continue to be broadcast to ds3 (with no ordering guarantees between
>> ds3 and dsSide, ofcourse).
>> Thanks,
>> Sameer

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