Hi Ufuk,

thanks for your quick answer.

Setup: 2 Servers, each running a JM as well as TM

1) Removing all existing blobstores locally (/tmp) as well as on HDFS
2) Starting a flink streaming job

Now there are the following BLOBs:


*Leader JM:

4.0K    /tmp/blobStore-563a8820-9617-4d89-97a7-fc3cc258dff4/incoming

64M     /tmp/blobStore-563a8820-9617-4d89-97a7-fc3cc258dff4

64M     /tmp/blobStore-563a8820-9617-4d89-97a7-fc3cc258dff4/cache

64M     /tmp/blobStore-c6b93d41-8916-4a8d-b595-6e35f0b10401

64M     /tmp/blobStore-c6b93d41-8916-4a8d-b595-6e35f0b10401/cache

*Standby JM:

64M     /tmp/blobStore-4cbfd3c0-2a70-4485-8fc0-045ca7f08cea

64M     /tmp/blobStore-4cbfd3c0-2a70-4485-8fc0-045ca7f08cea/cache


66595700 2016-09-30 13:03

3) Cancelinng both jobs via command line:

Now there are the following BLOBs:

**same as above**

When starting the same job again, no new blobs are created.

Is it a problem to delete local blobStores of running jobs or will the
blobs just be downloaded again from HDFS if needed?



Is it correct, that ea

On 30.09.2016 10:28, Ufuk Celebi wrote:
> On Fri, Sep 30, 2016 at 9:12 AM, Konstantin Knauf
> <konstantin.kn...@tngtech.com> wrote:
>> we are running a Flink (1.1.2) Stand-Alone Cluster with JM HA, and HDFS
>> as checkpoint and recovery storage dir. What we see is that blobStores
>> are stored in HDFS as well as under the local Jobmanagers and
>> Taskmanagers /tmp directory.
>> Is this the expected behaviour? Is there any documentation on which
>> blobs are stored locally and which are stored in HDFS in our case? In
>> particular, we would need to know when it is save to delete blobs stored
>> locally because there are not cleanup up by Flink and fill up the /tmp
>> partition eventually.
> BLOBs are copied to another directory in case of HA in order to be
> available for other job managers that might take over.
> On regular termination (cancel, finish) all BLOBs should be cleaned
> up. With hard failures, it can happen that BLOBs are not cleaned up.
> Do you know in which cases you see BLOBs not being cleaned up? If it
> is the first one, that sounds like a bug to me.
> – Ufuk

Konstantin Knauf * konstantin.kn...@tngtech.com * +49-174-3413182
TNG Technology Consulting GmbH, Betastr. 13a, 85774 Unterföhring
Geschäftsführer: Henrik Klagges, Christoph Stock, Dr. Robert Dahlke
Sitz: Unterföhring * Amtsgericht München * HRB 135082

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