Dear Marton,

Thanks very much for taking time to look into this issue.  Actually I am on 
latest Flink version (1.1.2).  Would the Hadoop version might be causing the 
problem (it is 2.6 with CDH 5.5.1)?  Would appreciate any more pointers to 
resolve this.


> On 14-Sep-2016, at 4:53 PM, Márton Balassi <> wrote:
> Dear Vaidya,
> This seems weird, me guess is that somehow that Time and AbstractTime 
> implementations are not from the same Flink version. 
> According to your Maven build you should be using Flink 0.10.2. Since then 
> there have been changes to windowing, are you tied to that version or would 
> it be feasible to upgrade to the latest (1.1.2) just to have a bit more 
> information on the issue?
> Best,
> Marton
> On Wed, Sep 14, 2016 at 8:51 AM, Vaidyanathan Sivasubramanian 
> < <>> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to implement Flink steaming using an example in GitHub: 
> <>.  While executing I am 
> getting the below error.  Can you please help guide me on the resolution.  
> Thanks in advance!
> Starting execution of program
> ------------------------------------------------------------
>  The program finished with the following exception:
> java.lang.VerifyError: Bad type on operand stack
> Exception Details:
>   Location:
> ca/uwaterloo/cs/bigdata2016w/andi1400/bestXStreamRating/AnalyzeTwitterBestXSentimentRatingFlink$.main([Ljava/lang/String;)V
>  @687: invokevirtual
>   Reason:
>     Type 'org/apache/flink/streaming/api/windowing/time/Time' (current frame, 
> stack[2]) is not assignable to 
> 'org/apache/flink/streaming/api/windowing/time/AbstractTime'
>   Current Frame:
>     bci: @687
>     flags: { }
>     locals: { 
> 'ca/uwaterloo/cs/bigdata2016w/andi1400/bestXStreamRating/AnalyzeTwitterBestXSentimentRatingFlink$',
>  '[Ljava/lang/String;', 
> 'ca/uwaterloo/cs/bigdata2016w/andi1400/bestXStreamRating/Conf', 
> 'java/lang/String', integer, 
> 'org/apache/flink/streaming/api/scala/StreamExecutionEnvironment', 
> 'org/apache/flink/api/scala/ExecutionEnvironment', 
> 'org/apache/flink/api/scala/DataSet', 'org/apache/flink/api/scala/DataSet', 
> 'ca/uwaterloo/cs/bigdata2016w/andi1400/bestXStreamRating/TermConfigurationFileScala',
>  '[Ljava/lang/String;', 'org/apache/flink/streaming/api/scala/DataStream', 
> 'scala/collection/immutable/Map', 
> 'org/apache/flink/streaming/api/scala/DataStream', integer, 
> 'org/apache/flink/streaming/api/scala/KeyedStream' }
>     stack: { 'org/apache/flink/streaming/api/scala/KeyedStream', 
> 'org/apache/flink/streaming/api/windowing/time/Time', 
> 'org/apache/flink/streaming/api/windowing/time/Time' }
>   Bytecode:
>     0000000: bb00 4759 b200 4c2b c000 4eb6 0052 b700
>     0000010: 554d 2ab6 0057 bb00 5959 b700 5a12 5cb6
>     0000020: 0060 2cb6 0064 b600 6ab6 0060 b600 6eb6
>     0000030: 0074 2ab6 0057 bb00 5959 b700 5a12 76b6
>     0000040: 0060 2cb6 0079 b600 6ab6 0060 b600 6eb6
>     0000050: 0074 2ab6 0057 bb00 5959 b700 5a12 7bb6
>     0000060: 0060 2cb6 007e b600 6ab6 0060 b600 6eb6
>     0000070: 0074 2ab6 0057 bb00 5959 b700 5a12 80b6
>     0000080: 0060 2cb6 0083 b600 6ab6 0060 b600 6eb6
>     0000090: 0074 1285 b800 89b2 008f b600 9312 95b8
>     00000a0: 0089 b200 8fb6 0093 2cb6 0098 b600 6ac0
>     00000b0: 009a 4e2c b600 9db6 006a b800 a399 0007
>     00000c0: 03a7 0004 0436 04b2 00a8 b600 ac3a 05b2
>     00000d0: 00b1 b600 b43a 0619 062c b600 7eb6 006a
>     00000e0: c000 9a19 06b6 00b9 b600 bd3a 0719 07bb
>     00000f0: 00bf 59b7 00c0 bb00 c259 b700 c3b2 00c8
>     0000100: 12ca b600 cdb6 00d3 3a08 bb00 d559 1908
>     0000110: b600 d9b2 004c b600 ddb9 00e3 0200 b700
>     0000120: e63a 0919 09b6 00ea 3a0a 2cb6 00ed b600
>     0000130: 6ab8 00a3 9900 2119 05bb 00ef 5919 0ab7
>     0000140: 00f1 b200 c812 f3b6 00cd 12f3 b800 f9b6
>     0000150: 00ff a700 5d19 05bb 0101 5919 0a2c b601
>     0000160: 04b6 006a c000 9a2c b601 07b6 006a c000
>     0000170: 9a2c b601 0ab6 006a c000 9a2c b601 0db6
>     0000180: 006a c000 9a2c b600 98b6 006a c000 9a2c
>     0000190: b601 10b6 006a b801 1413 0116 b701 19b2
>     00001a0: 00c8 12f3 b600 cd12 f3b8 00f9 b600 ff3a
>     00001b0: 0b19 062c b601 1cb6 006a c000 9a19 06b6
>     00001c0: 00b9 b600 bdbb 011e 59b7 011f bb01 2159
>     00001d0: b701 22b2 00c8 12ca b600 cdb6 0125 b600
>     00001e0: d9bb 0127 59b7 0128 b901 2c02 00bb 012e
>     00001f0: 59b7 012f b901 3402 00bb 0136 59b7 0137
>     0000200: b201 3cb6 0140 b901 4303 00c0 0131 3a0c
>     0000210: 190b bb01 4559 b701 4612 9ab8 014c b200
>     0000220: c812 9ab6 00cd b601 51bb 0153 59b7 0154
>     0000230: 129a b801 4cb2 00c8 129a b600 cdb6 0151
>     0000240: bb01 5659 b701 57b6 015b 3a0d 2cb6 0083
>     0000250: b600 6ab8 00a3 360e 190d bb01 5d59 1909
>     0000260: 190c 150e b701 60bb 0162 59b7 0163 b200
>     0000270: c812 cab6 00cd b601 67b2 004c 04bc 0a59
>     0000280: 0303 4fb6 016b b601 6f3a 0f19 0f2c b600
>     0000290: 79b6 006a b801 1485 b201 75b8 017b 2cb6
>     00002a0: 017e b600 6ab8 0114 85b2 0175 b801 7bb6
>     00002b0: 0184 3a10 1910 bb01 8659 b701 87b6 018d
>     00002c0: 3a11 1911 bb01 8f59 b701 90bb 0192 59b7
>     00002d0: 0193 b200 c812 cab6 00cd b601 513a 1215
>     00002e0: 0499 0023 1912 bb01 9559 2d19 09b7 0198
>     00002f0: b201 9eb8 014c b200 c8b6 01a2 b601 a53a
>     0000300: 13a7 0023 1912 bb01 a759 1909 b701 aa12
>     0000310: 9ab8 014c b200 c812 9ab6 00cd b601 a5b6
>     0000320: 01ae 3a14 1905 1301 b0b6 01b4 57b1     
>   Stackmap Table:
>     append_frame(@196,Object[#71],Object[#154])
>     same_locals_1_stack_item_frame(@197,Integer)
> full_frame(@341,{Object[#2],Object[#463],Object[#71],Object[#154],Integer,Object[#251],Object[#182],Object[#207],Object[#207],Object[#213],Object[#463]},{})
>     same_locals_1_stack_item_extended(@431,Object[#334])
> full_frame(@772,{Object[#2],Object[#463],Object[#71],Object[#154],Integer,Object[#251],Object[#182],Object[#207],Object[#207],Object[#213],Object[#463],Object[#334],Object[#305],Object[#334],Integer,Object[#384],Object[#393],Object[#334],Object[#334]},{})
>     same_frame(@804)
>       at 
> ca.uwaterloo.cs.bigdata2016w.andi1400.bestXStreamRating.AnalyzeTwitterBestXSentimentRatingFlink.main(AnalyzeTwitterBestXSentimentRatingFlink.scala)
>       at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
>       at 
> sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
>       at 
> sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
>       at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
>       at 
> org.apache.flink.client.program.PackagedProgram.callMainMethod(
>       at 
> org.apache.flink.client.program.PackagedProgram.invokeInteractiveModeForExecution(
>       at 
>       at 
> org.apache.flink.client.CliFrontend.executeProgram(
>       at
>       at 
> org.apache.flink.client.CliFrontend.parseParameters(
>       at org.apache.flink.client.CliFrontend.main(
> Best Regards,
> Vaidya.

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