Hi Radu,
thanks for continuing the discussion we had at the conference here. Your
proposals are all valid. If you have a look at the inital design
document [1] for Table API/SQL we plan to add a SQL client at some
point, but first we should focus on extending the set of supported
operations. A first step regarding windows and aggregations on streams
can be found in the current FLIP-11 [2]. However, it only describes the
Table API so far. How Stream SQL should extactly look like is still up
for discussion (together with the Calcite guys). In a long term view the
Table API could become a DataSet++ or DataStream++. We could add support
for UDFs and operations such as map/reduce. If customization/replacement
of existing rules is required we can add a Jira issue for that.
The development just started so there is a lot to improve and to add.
New contibutions, discussions on certain features and design documents
are always welcome.
Btw. this discussion should actually be continued on the dev mailing list.
Am 14/09/16 um 15:07 schrieb Deepak Sharma:
Thanks Greg .
I will start picking some of them.
On 14 Sep 2016 6:31 pm, "Greg Hogan" <c...@greghogan.com
<mailto:c...@greghogan.com>> wrote:
Hi Deepak,
There are many open tickets for Flink's SQL API. Documentation is
On Wed, Sep 14, 2016 at 12:27 PM, Deepak Sharma
<deepakmc...@gmail.com <mailto:deepakmc...@gmail.com>> wrote:
Yes.I agree to having SQL for Flink.
I can take up some tasks as well once this starts.
On Wed, Sep 14, 2016 at 3:47 PM, Radu Tudoran
<radu.tudo...@huawei.com <mailto:radu.tudo...@huawei.com>> wrote:
As a follow up to multiple discussions that happened
during Flink Forward about how SQL should be supported by
Flink, I was thinking to make a couple of proposals.
Disclaimer: I do not claim I have managed to synthesized
all the discussions and probably a great deal of things
are still missing
*Why supporting SQL for Flink?*
-A goal to support SQL for Flink should be to enable
larger adoption of Flink – particularly for data
scientists / data engineers who might not want/know how to
program against the existing APIs
-The main implication as I see from this is that SQL
should serve as a translation tool of the data processing
processing flow to a stream topology that will be executed
by Flink
-This would require to support rather soon an SQL client
for Flink
*How many features should be supported?*
-In order to enable a (close to ) full benefit of the
processing capabilities of Flink, I believe most of the
processing types should be supported – this includes all
different types of windows, aggregations, transformations,
-I would propose that UDFs should also be supported such
that one can easily add more complex computation if needed
-In the spirit of the extensibility that Flink supports
for the operators, functions… such custom operators should
be supported to replace the default implementations of the
SQL logical operators
*How much customization should be enabled?*
-Regarding customization this could be provided by
configuration files. Such a configuration can cover the
policies for how the triggers, evictors, parallelization …
will be done for the specific translation of the SQL
query into Flink code
-In order to support the integration of custom operators
for specific SQL logical operators, the users should be
enabled also to provide translation RULES that will
replace the default ones (e.g. if a user want to define
their own CUSTOM_TABLE_SCAN, it should be able to provide
something like
configuration.replaceRule(DataStreamScanRule.INSTANCE ,
CUSTOM_TABLE_SCAN_Rule.INSTANCE) – or if the selection of
the new translation rule can be handled from the cost than
simply configuration.addRule( CUSTOM_TABLE_SCAN_Rule.INSTANCE)
What do you think?
Dr. Radu Tudoran
Senior Research Engineer - Big Data Expert
IT R&D Division
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Timo Walther
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