
the JDBC Sink completely ignores the taskNumber and parallelism.


On 12.09.2016 08:41, Swapnil Chougule wrote:
Hi Team,

I want to know how tasknumber & numtasks help in opening db connection in Flink JDBC JDBCOutputFormat Open. I checked with docs where it says:

    |taskNumber| - The number of the parallel instance.
    |numTasks| - The number of parallel tasks.

But couldn't get clear idea among parallel instance & parallel tasks. How do they contribute in concurrency with JDBC Source/Sink?

I also checked with code but couldn't drill down further

* Connects to the target database and initializes the prepared statement.


* @param taskNumber The number of the parallel instance.

* @throws IOException Thrown, if the output could not be opened due to an

* I/O problem.



public void open(int taskNumber, int numTasks) throws IOException {

try {


upload = dbConn.prepareStatement(query);

} catch (SQLException sqe) {

throw new IllegalArgumentException("open() failed.", sqe);

} catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) {

throw new IllegalArgumentException("JDBC driver class not found.", cnfe);



private void establishConnection() throws SQLException, ClassNotFoundException {


if (username == null) {

dbConn = DriverManager.getConnection(dbURL);

} else {

dbConn = DriverManager.getConnection(dbURL, username, password);




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