Hi! Yes, you can set custom operator names by calling `.name(…)` on DataStreams after a transformation. For example, `.addSource(…).map(...).name(…)`. This name will be used for visualization on the dashboard, and also for logging.
Regards, Gordon On September 12, 2016 at 3:44:58 PM, Bart van Deenen (bartvandee...@fastmail.fm) wrote: Hi all I'm using Flink 1.1 with a streaming job, consisting of a few maps and a few aggregations. In the web dashboard for the job I see subtask names like: TriggerWindow(SlidingEventTimeWindows(600000, 5000), FoldingStateDescriptor{serializer=null, initialValue=Res(0,List()), foldFunction=org.apache.flink.streaming.api.scala.function.util.ScalaFoldFunction@5c42d2b7}, EventTimeTrigger(), WindowedStream.fold(WindowedStream.java:238)) -> Filter -> Map Is it possible to give this a more human readable name from my job program? Greetings Bart van Deenen