I got the same error with this commit too. Weird :-( I will try picking the
necessary classes. Thanks anyway.

On Sat, Sep 3, 2016 at 7:41 AM, Robert Metzger <rmetz...@apache.org> wrote:

> I also can't checkout the commit locally... which is weird, because GitHub
> still seems to be able to somehow access it.
> Can you try this commit: df42160832ff65ae2a85b478d1dd0b398fa6ef3f ?
> I actually believe its probably easier to just pick the classes you need
> from the "benchmark" repository and fit them to the current code base.
> On Fri, Sep 2, 2016 at 9:12 PM, Eric Fukuda <e.s.fuk...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Thanks Robert,
>> I tried to checkout the commit you mentioned, but git returns an error
>> "fatal: reference if not a tree: 547e7490fb99562ca15a2127f0ce1e784db97f3e".
>> I've searched for a solution but could not find any. Am I doing something
>> wrong?
>> -----------------
>> $ git clone https://github.com/rmetzger/flink.git
>> Cloning into 'flink'...
>> remote: Counting objects: 321185, done.
>> remote: Compressing objects: 100% (3/3), done.
>> remote: Total 321185 (delta 1), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 321182
>> Receiving objects: 100% (321185/321185), 93.60 MiB | 10.63 MiB/s, done.
>> Resolving deltas: 100% (141424/141424), done.
>> Checking connectivity... done.
>> $ cd flink/
>> $ git checkout 547e7490fb99562ca15a2127f0ce1e784db97f3e
>> fatal: reference is not a tree: 547e7490fb99562ca15a2127f0ce1e784db97f3e
>> ------------------
>> Regards,
>> Eric
>> On Fri, Sep 2, 2016 at 12:01 PM, Robert Metzger <rmetz...@apache.org>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Eric,
>>> I'm sorry that you are running into these issues. I think the version is
>>> 0.10-SNAPSHOT, and I think I've used this commit: https://github.com/rme
>>> tzger/flink/commit/547e749 for some of the runs (of the throughput /
>>> latency tests, not for the yahoo benchmark). The commit should at least
>>> point to the right point in time.
>>> Note that these benchmarks are pretty old by now, and the performance
>>> characteristics have probably changed in Flink 1.1 because we've put a lot
>>> of effort into optimizing Flink for common streaming use cases.
>>> Regards,
>>> Robert
>>> On Fri, Sep 2, 2016 at 5:09 PM, Eric Fukuda <e.s.fuk...@gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi Robert,
>>>> I've been trying to build the "performance" project using various
>>>> versions of Flink, but failing. It seems that I need both
>>>> KafkaZKStringSerializer class and FlinkKafkaConsumer082 class to build the
>>>> project, but none of the branches has both of them. KafkaZKStringSerializer
>>>> existed in 0.9.0-x branches but deleted in 0.9.1-x branches, and
>>>> FlinkKafkaConsumer082 goes the other way, therefore they don't exist in a
>>>> same branch. I'm guessing you were using a snapshot somewhere between 0.9.0
>>>> and 0.9.1. Could you tell me the SHA you were using?
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Eric
>>>> On Wed, Aug 24, 2016 at 4:57 PM, Robert Metzger <rmetz...@apache.org>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> Version 0.10-SNAPSHOT is pretty old. The snapshot repository of Apache
>>>>> probably doesn't keep old artifacts around forever.
>>>>> Maybe you can migrate the tests to Flink 0.10.0, or maybe even to a
>>>>> higher version.
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Robert
>>>>> On Wed, Aug 24, 2016 at 10:32 PM, Eric Fukuda <e.s.fuk...@gmail.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Max, Robert,
>>>>>> Thanks for the advice. I'm trying to build the "performance" project,
>>>>>> but failing with the following error. Is there a solution for this?
>>>>>> [ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project streaming-state-demo: Could
>>>>>> not resolve dependencies for project com.dataartisans.flink:streami
>>>>>> ng-state-demo:jar:1.0-SNAPSHOT: Failure to find
>>>>>> org.apache.flink:flink-connector-kafka-083:jar:0.10-SNAPSHOT in
>>>>>> https://repository.apache.org/content/repositories/snapshots/ was
>>>>>> cached in the local repository, resolution will not be reattempted until
>>>>>> the update interval of apache.snapshots has elapsed or updates are forced
>>>>>> -> [Help 1]
>>>>>> On Wed, Aug 24, 2016 at 8:12 AM, Robert Metzger <rmetz...@apache.org>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Eric,
>>>>>>> Max is right, the tool has been used for a different benchmark [1].
>>>>>>> The throughput logger that should produce the right output is this one 
>>>>>>> [2].
>>>>>>> Very recently, I've opened a pull request for adding
>>>>>>> metric-measuring support into the engine [3]. Maybe that's helpful for 
>>>>>>> your
>>>>>>> experiments.
>>>>>>> [1] http://data-artisans.com/high-throughput-low-latency-and
>>>>>>> -exactly-once-stream-processing-with-apache-flink/
>>>>>>> [2] https://github.com/dataArtisans/performance/blob/master/
>>>>>>> flink-jobs/src/main/java/com/github/projectflink/streaming/T
>>>>>>> hroughput.java#L203
>>>>>>> [3] https://github.com/apache/flink/pull/2386
>>>>>>> On Wed, Aug 24, 2016 at 2:04 PM, Maximilian Michels <m...@apache.org>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> I believe the AnaylzeTool is for processing logs of a different
>>>>>>>> benchmark.
>>>>>>>> CC Jamie and Robert who worked on the benchmark.
>>>>>>>> On Wed, Aug 24, 2016 at 3:25 AM, Eric Fukuda <e.s.fuk...@gmail.com>
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> > Hi,
>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>> > I'm trying to benchmark Flink without Kafka as mentioned in this
>>>>>>>> post
>>>>>>>> > (http://data-artisans.com/extending-the-yahoo-streaming-benc
>>>>>>>> hmark/). After
>>>>>>>> > running flink.benchmark.state.AdvertisingTopologyFlinkState with
>>>>>>>> > user.local.event.generator in localConf.yaml set to 1, I ran
>>>>>>>> > flink.benchmark.utils.AnalyzeTool giving
>>>>>>>> > flink-1.0.1/log/flink-[username]-jobmanager-0-[servername].log
>>>>>>>> as a
>>>>>>>> > command-line argument. I got the following output and it does not
>>>>>>>> have the
>>>>>>>> > information about the latency.
>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>> > ================= Latency (0 reports ) =====================
>>>>>>>> > ================= Throughput (1 reports ) =====================
>>>>>>>> > ====== null (entries: 10150)=======
>>>>>>>> > Mean throughput 639078.5018497099
>>>>>>>> > Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException:
>>>>>>>> toIndex = 2
>>>>>>>> >         at java.util.ArrayList.subListRan
>>>>>>>> geCheck(ArrayList.java:962)
>>>>>>>> >         at java.util.ArrayList.subList(ArrayList.java:954)
>>>>>>>> >         at flink.benchmark.utils.AnalyzeT
>>>>>>>> ool.main(AnalyzeTool.java:133)
>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>> > Reading the code in AnalyzeTool.java, I found that it's looking
>>>>>>>> for lines
>>>>>>>> > that include "Latency" in the log file, but apparently it's not
>>>>>>>> finding any.
>>>>>>>> > I tried grepping the log file, and couldn't find any either. I
>>>>>>>> have one
>>>>>>>> > server that runs both JobManager and Task Manager and another
>>>>>>>> server that
>>>>>>>> > runs Redis, and they are connected through a network with each
>>>>>>>> other.
>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>> > I think I have to do something to read the data stored in Redis
>>>>>>>> before
>>>>>>>> > running AnalyzeTool, but can't figure out what. Does anyone know
>>>>>>>> how to get
>>>>>>>> > the latency information?
>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>> > Thanks,
>>>>>>>> > Eric

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