Hi Greg,

thanks for your response!

I just had a look and realized that it's just about 85 GB of data. Sorry about that wrong information.

It's read from a csv file on the master node's local file system. The 8 nodes have more than 40 GB available memory each and since the data is equally distributed I assume there should be no need to spill anything on disk.

There are 9 iterations.

Is it possible that also with Flink Iterations the data is repeatedly distributed? Or the other way around: Might it be that flink "remembers" somehow that the data is already distributed even for the while loop?


Am 02.09.2016 um 16:39 schrieb Greg Hogan:
Hi Dan,

Where are you reading the 200 GB "data" from? How much memory per node? If the DataSet is read from a distributed filesystem and if with iterations Flink must spill to disk then I wouldn't expect much difference. About how many iterations are run in the 30 minutes? I don't know that this is reported explicitly, but if your convergence function only has one input record per iteration then the reported total is the iteration count.

One other thought, we should soon have support for object reuse with arrays (FLINK-3695). This would be implemented as DoubleValueArray or ValueArray<DoubleValue> rather than double[] but it would be interesting to test for a change in performance.


On Fri, Sep 2, 2016 at 6:16 AM, Dan Drewes <dre...@campus.tu-berlin.de <mailto:dre...@campus.tu-berlin.de>> wrote:


    for my bachelor thesis I'm testing an implementation of L-BFGS
    algorithm with Flink Iterations against a version without Flink
    Iterations but a casual while loop instead. Both programs use the
    same Map and Reduce transformations in each iteration. It was
    expected, that the performance of the Flink Iterations would scale
    better with increasing size of the input data set. However, the
    measured results on an ibm-power-cluster are very similar for both
    versions, e.g. around 30 minutes for 200 GB data. The cluster has
    8 nodes, was configured with 4 slots per node and I used a total
    parallelism of 32.
    In every Iteration of the while loop a new flink job is started
    and I thought, that also the data would be distributed over the
    network again in each iteration which should consume a significant
    and measurable amount of time. Is that thought wrong or what is
    the computional overhead of the flink iterations that is
    equalizing this disadvantage?
    I include the relevant part of both programs and also attach the
    generated execution plans.
    Thank you for any ideas as I could not find much about this issue
    in the flink docs.

    Best, Dan

    *Flink Iterations:*

    DataSet<double[]> data = ...

    State  state =initialState(m, initweights,0,new double[initweights.length]);
    DataSet<State> statedataset = env.fromElements(state);

    //start of iteration section IterativeDataSet<State> loop= 

    DataSet<State> statewithnewlossgradient = 
                   .map(new NormLossGradient(datasize))
                   .map(new SetLossGradient()).withBroadcastSet(loop,"state")
                   .map(new LBFGS());

    DataSet<State> converged = statewithnewlossgradient.filter(
        new FilterFunction<State>() {
           @Override public boolean filter(State  value)throws Exception {
              if(value.getIflag()[0] ==0){
                 return false;
              return true;

    DataSet<State> finalstate = 

    ***While loop: *

    DataSet<double[]> data =... State  state =initialState(m, initweights,0,new 

    int cnt=0;
        LBFGS lbfgs =new LBFGS();
           .map(new NormLossGradient(datasize))
           .map(new SetLossGradient()).withBroadcastSet(statedataset,"state")
    }while (cnt<niter && statedataset.collect().get(0).getIflag()[0] !=0);

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