A 10 minute tumbling window that starts at 12:00 is evaluated after a
watermark is observed that is > 12:10.
If the same tumbling window has an allowed lateness of 5 minuted, it is
evaluated once a watermark > 12:15 is observed. However, only elements with
timestamps 12:00 <= x < 12:10 are in the window.
Elements that arrive even after the allowed lateness period are simply

Best, Fabian

2016-09-01 20:42 GMT+02:00 Paul Joireman <paul.joire...@physiq.com>:

> Thanks Fabian,
> This is making more sense.  Is allowedLateness(Time.seconds(x)) then
> evaluated relative to maxEventTime - lastWaterMarkTime.   So if (maxEventTime
> - lastWaterMarkTime) > x * 1000 then the window is evaluated?
> Paul
> ------------------------------
> *From:* Fabian Hueske <fhue...@gmail.com>
> *Sent:* Thursday, September 1, 2016 1:25:55 PM
> *To:* user@flink.apache.org
> *Subject:* Re: Windows and Watermarks Clarification
> Hi Paul,
> BoundedOutOfOrdernessTimestampExtractor implements the
> AssignerWithPeriodicWatermarks interface.
> This means, Flink will ask the assigner in regular intervals (configurable
> via StreamExecutionEnvironment.getConfig().setAutoWatermarkInterval())
> for the current watermark.
> The watermark will be 10secs earlier than the highest observed timestamp
> so far.
> An event-time window is evaluated when the current watermark is higher /
> later than the window's end time. With allowedLateness() the window
> evaluation can be deferred to allow late elements (elements whose timestamp
> is before the current watermark) to join the window before it is evaluated.
> Let me know if you have further questions,
> Fabian
> 2016-09-01 20:16 GMT+02:00 Paul Joireman <paul.joire...@physiq.com>:
>> Hi all,
>> Just a point of clarification on how watermarks are generated.   I'd like
>> to use a SlidingEventTime window of say 5 minutes with a 30 second slide.
>> The incoming data stream has elements from which I can extract the
>> timestamp but they may come out of order so I chose to implement the
>> following timestamp assigner.
>>      my_stream.assignTimestampsAndWatermarks(
>>       new 
>> BoundedOutOfOrdernessTimestampExtractor<MyElement>(Time.seconds(10))
>> {
>>           @Override
>>           public long extractTimestamp(final MyElement element) {
>>               return element.getTimestamp();
>>           }
>>   });
>> With this definition and the code for 
>> BoundedOutOfOrdernessTimestampExtractor,
>> my understanding is that for each incoming element a watermark will be
>> generated that is 10 seconds behind the current timestamp.    If any the
>> end time of any of the sliding windows is earlier that an emitted watermark
>> that (or those) windows will fire initiating a processing on the window(s).
>>   Is this correct?
>> Paul

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