I don't to join the third stream.

And Yes, This is what I was thinking of.also :
s1.union(s2).keyBy().window().apply(// outerjoin).keyBy.flatMap(// backup

I am already done integrating with Cassandra but I feel RocksDB will be a
better option, I will have to take care of the clearing part as you have
suggested, will check that in documentation.

I have the DTO with almost 50 fields , converting it to JSON and storing it
as a state should not be a problem , or there is no harm in storing the DTO

I think the documentation should specify the point that the state will be
maintained for user-defined operators to avoid confusion.

Vinay Patil

On Thu, Sep 1, 2016 at 1:12 PM, Fabian Hueske-2 [via Apache Flink User
Mailing List archive.] <ml-node+s2336050n8843...@n4.nabble.com> wrote:

> I thought you would like to join the non-matched elements with another
> (third) stream.
> --> s1.union(s2).keyBy().window().apply(// 
> outerjoin).keyBy.connect(s3.keyBy).coFlatMap(//
> backup join)
> If you want to match the non-matched stream with itself a FlatMapFunction
> is the right choice.
> --> s1.union(s2).keyBy().window().apply(// outerjoin).keyBy.flatMap(//
> backup join)
> The backup join puts all non-match elements in the state and waits for
> another non-matched element with the same key to do the join.
> Best, Fabian
> 2016-09-01 19:55 GMT+02:00 vinay patil <[hidden email]
> <http:///user/SendEmail.jtp?type=node&node=8843&i=0>>:
>> Yes, that's what I am looking for.
>> But why to use CoFlatMapFunction , I have already got the
>> matchingAndNonMatching Stream , by doing the union of two streams and
>> having the logic in apply method for performing outer-join.
>> I am thinking of applying the same key on matchingAndNonMatching and
>> flatmap to take care of rest logic.
>> Or are you suggestion to use Co-FlatMapFunction after the outer-join
>> operation  (I mean after doing the window and
>> getting matchingAndNonMatching stream )?
>> Regards,
>> Vinay Patil
>> On Thu, Sep 1, 2016 at 11:38 AM, Fabian Hueske-2 [via Apache Flink User
>> Mailing List archive.] <[hidden email]
>> <http:///user/SendEmail.jtp?type=node&node=8842&i=0>> wrote:
>>> Thanks for the explanation. I think I understood your usecase.
>>> Yes, I'd go for the RocksDB approach in a CoFlatMapFunction on a keyed
>>> stream (keyed by join key).
>>> One input would be the unmatched outer join records, the other input
>>> would serve the events you want to match them with.
>>> Retrieving elements from RocksDB will be local and should be fast.
>>> You should be confident though, that all unmatched record will be picked
>>> up at some point (RocksDB persists to disk, so you won't run out of memory
>>> but snapshots size will increase).
>>> The future state expiry feature will avoid such situations.
>>> Best, Fabian
>>> 2016-09-01 18:29 GMT+02:00 vinay patil <[hidden email]
>>> <http:///user/SendEmail.jtp?type=node&node=8837&i=0>>:
>>>> Hi Fabian,
>>>> I had already used Co-Group function earlier but were getting some
>>>> issues while dealing with watermarks (for one use case I was not getting
>>>> the correct result), so I have used the union operator for performing the
>>>> outer-join (WindowFunction on a keyedStream), this approach is working
>>>> correctly and giving me correct results.
>>>> As I have discussed the scenario, I want to maintain the non-matching
>>>> records in some store, so that's why I was thinking of using RocksDB as a
>>>> store here, where I will maintain the user-defined state  after the
>>>> outer-join window operator, and I can query it using Flink to check if the
>>>> value for a particular key is present or not , if present I can match them
>>>> and send it downstream.
>>>> The final goal is to have zero non-matching records, so this is the
>>>> backup plan to handle edge-case scenarios.
>>>> I have already integrated code to write to Cassandra using Flink
>>>> Connector, but I think this will be a better option rather than hitting the
>>>> query to external store since RocksDb will store the data to local TM disk,
>>>> the retrieval will be faster here than Cassandra , right ?
>>>> What do you think ?
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Vinay Patil
>>>> On Thu, Sep 1, 2016 at 10:19 AM, Fabian Hueske-2 [via Apache Flink User
>>>> Mailing List archive.] <[hidden email]
>>>> <http:///user/SendEmail.jtp?type=node&node=8836&i=0>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Vinay,
>>>>> can you give a bit more detail about how you plan to implement the
>>>>> outer join? Using a WIndowFunction or a CoFlatMapFunction on a 
>>>>> KeyedStream?
>>>>> An alternative could be to use a CoGroup operator which collects from
>>>>> two inputs all elements that share a common key (the join key) and are in
>>>>> the same window. The interface of the function provides two iterators over
>>>>> the elements of both inputs and can be used to implement outer join
>>>>> functionality. The benefit of working with a CoGroupFunction is that you 
>>>>> do
>>>>> not have to take care of state handling at all.
>>>>> In case you go for a custom implementation you will need to work with
>>>>> operator state.
>>>>> However, you do not need to directly interact with RocksDB. Flink is
>>>>> taking care of that for you.
>>>>> Best, Fabian
>>>>> 2016-09-01 16:13 GMT+02:00 vinay patil <[hidden email]
>>>>> <http:///user/SendEmail.jtp?type=node&node=8832&i=0>>:
>>>>>> Hi Fabian/Stephan,
>>>>>> Waiting for your suggestion
>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>> Vinay Patil
>>>>>> On Wed, Aug 31, 2016 at 1:46 PM, Vinay Patil <[hidden email]
>>>>>> <http:///user/SendEmail.jtp?type=node&node=8829&i=0>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Fabian/Stephan,
>>>>>>> This makes things clear.
>>>>>>> This is the use case I have :
>>>>>>> I am performing a outer join operation on the two streams (in
>>>>>>> window) after which I get matchingAndNonMatchingStream, now I want to 
>>>>>>> make
>>>>>>> sure that the matching rate is high (matching cannot happen if one of 
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>> source is not emitting elements for certain time) , so to tackle this
>>>>>>> situation I was thinking of using RocksDB as a state Backend, where I 
>>>>>>> will
>>>>>>> insert the unmatched records in it (key - will be same as used for 
>>>>>>> window
>>>>>>> and value will be DTO ), so before inserting into it I will check if it 
>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>> already present in RocksDB, if yes I will take the data from it and 
>>>>>>> send it
>>>>>>> downstream (and ensure I perform the clean operation for that key).
>>>>>>> (Also the data to store should be encrypted, encryption part can be
>>>>>>> handled )
>>>>>>> so instead of using Cassandra , Can I do this using RocksDB as state
>>>>>>> backend since the state is not gone after checkpointing ?
>>>>>>> P.S I have kept the watermark behind by 1500 secs just to be safe on
>>>>>>> handling late elements but to tackle edge case scenarios like the one
>>>>>>> mentioned above we are having a backup plan of using Cassandra as 
>>>>>>> external
>>>>>>> store since we are dealing with financial critical data.
>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>> Vinay Patil
>>>>>>> On Wed, Aug 31, 2016 at 11:34 AM, Fabian Hueske <[hidden email]
>>>>>>> <http:///user/SendEmail.jtp?type=node&node=8829&i=1>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi Vinaj,
>>>>>>>> if you use user-defined state, you have to manually clear it.
>>>>>>>> Otherwise, it will stay in the state backend (heap or RocksDB)
>>>>>>>> until the
>>>>>>>> job goes down (planned or due to an OOM error).
>>>>>>>> This is esp. important to keep in mind, when using keyed state.
>>>>>>>> If you have an unbounded, evolving key space you will likely run
>>>>>>>> out-of-memory.
>>>>>>>> The job will constantly add state for each new key but won't be
>>>>>>>> able to
>>>>>>>> clean up the state for "expired" keys.
>>>>>>>> You could implement a clean-up mechanism this if you implement a
>>>>>>>> custom
>>>>>>>> stream operator.
>>>>>>>> However this is a very low level interface and requires solid
>>>>>>>> understanding
>>>>>>>> of the internals like timestamps, watermarks and the checkpointing
>>>>>>>> mechanism.
>>>>>>>> The community is currently working on a state expiry feature (state
>>>>>>>> will be
>>>>>>>> discarded if not requested or updated for x minutes).
>>>>>>>> Regarding the second question: Does state remain local after
>>>>>>>> checkpointing?
>>>>>>>> Yes, the local state is only copied to the remote FS (HDFS, S3,
>>>>>>>> ...) but
>>>>>>>> remains in the operator. So the state is not gone after a
>>>>>>>> checkpoint is
>>>>>>>> completed.
>>>>>>>> Hope this helps,
>>>>>>>> Fabian
>>>>>>>> 2016-08-31 18:17 GMT+02:00 Vinay Patil <[hidden email]
>>>>>>>> <http:///user/SendEmail.jtp?type=node&node=8829&i=2>>:
>>>>>>>> > Hi Stephan,
>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>> > Just wanted to jump into this discussion regarding state.
>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>> > So do you mean that if we maintain user-defined state (for
>>>>>>>> non-window
>>>>>>>> > operators), then if we do  not clear it explicitly will the data
>>>>>>>> for that
>>>>>>>> > key remains in RocksDB.
>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>> > What happens in case of checkpoint ? I read in the documentation
>>>>>>>> that after
>>>>>>>> > the checkpoint happens the rocksDB data is pushed to the desired
>>>>>>>> location
>>>>>>>> > (hdfs or s3 or other fs), so for user-defined state does the data
>>>>>>>> still
>>>>>>>> > remain in RocksDB after checkpoint ?
>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>> > Correct me if I have misunderstood this concept
>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>> > For one of our use we were going for this, but since I read the
>>>>>>>> above part
>>>>>>>> > in documentation so we are going for Cassandra now (to store
>>>>>>>> records and
>>>>>>>> > query them for a special case)
>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>> > Regards,
>>>>>>>> > Vinay Patil
>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>> > On Wed, Aug 31, 2016 at 4:51 AM, Stephan Ewen <[hidden email]
>>>>>>>> <http:///user/SendEmail.jtp?type=node&node=8829&i=3>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>> > > In streaming, memory is mainly needed for state (key/value
>>>>>>>> state). The
>>>>>>>> > > exact representation depends on the chosen StateBackend.
>>>>>>>> > >
>>>>>>>> > > State is explicitly released: For windows, state is cleaned up
>>>>>>>> > > automatically (firing / expiry), for user-defined state, keys
>>>>>>>> have to be
>>>>>>>> > > explicitly cleared (clear() method) or in the future will have
>>>>>>>> the option
>>>>>>>> > > to expire.
>>>>>>>> > >
>>>>>>>> > > The heavy work horse for streaming state is currently RocksDB,
>>>>>>>> which
>>>>>>>> > > internally uses native (off-heap) memory to keep the data.
>>>>>>>> > >
>>>>>>>> > > Does that help?
>>>>>>>> > >
>>>>>>>> > > Stephan
>>>>>>>> > >
>>>>>>>> > >
>>>>>>>> > > On Tue, Aug 30, 2016 at 11:52 PM, Roshan Naik <[hidden email]
>>>>>>>> <http:///user/SendEmail.jtp?type=node&node=8829&i=4>>
>>>>>>>> > > wrote:
>>>>>>>> > >
>>>>>>>> > > > As per the docs, in Batch mode, dynamic memory allocation is
>>>>>>>> avoided by
>>>>>>>> > > > storing messages being processed in ByteBuffers via Unsafe
>>>>>>>> methods.
>>>>>>>> > > >
>>>>>>>> > > > Couldn't find any docs  describing mem mgmt in Streamingn
>>>>>>>> mode. So...
>>>>>>>> > > >
>>>>>>>> > > > - Am wondering if this is also the case with Streaming ?
>>>>>>>> > > >
>>>>>>>> > > > - If so, how does Flink detect that an object is no longer
>>>>>>>> being used
>>>>>>>> > and
>>>>>>>> > > > can be reclaimed for reuse once again ?
>>>>>>>> > > >
>>>>>>>> > > > -roshan
>>>>>>>> > > >
>>>>>>>> > >
>>>>>>>> >
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